Plans for COURSE ON "Controllability analysis and plantwide control"
31 Mar 1999 14:11:29 +0200

Til: Kristian Lien

Kopi til: Morten Hovd, NTNU
          Elling W. Jacobsen, KTH
          Sten Bay Jørgensen, DTU
                  Kurt Haggblom, Tapio Westerlund og Kurt Waller, Åbo Akademi
                  David Cameron, Norsk Hydro
              Prost styre, NTNU


The plans for the course have advanced somewhat.
Please give me any comments you may have to the plans
as given below.

-Sigurd Skogestad

COURSE ON "Controllability analysis and plantwide control"


Based on the ininitative and funding of Nordisk Energifond a course on
"Controllability analysis and plantwide control"
is planned at NTNU in Trondheim for the days

                          11-12 Oct. 1999 (Monday and Tuesday).

The course will be offered to Ph.D. students and other interested.
By "other interested" we have in mind participation from the industry in
the Nordic countries. It is planned that the course also will a
"technology transfer" event as part of the EU project CAPE.NET.

The course will consists of some survey lectures as well as shorter
lectures and special issues and case studies.

The following is a very preliminary outline of the course.

Monday 11 Oct. 99:

0900 Registration
0945 Welcome
1000 Survey lecture I (90 min)
1130 Simple case studies and discussion
1200 Lunch
1245 Regulear lecture 1
1345 Survey lecture II
1530 Regular lecture 2
1630-1800: Computer applications

1930: Dinner

Tuesday 12 Oct. 99

0845 Survey lecture III (90 min)
1030 Regular lecture 3
1115 Open
1200 Lunch
1245 Survey lecture IV
1430 Regular lecture 4
1530 Regular lecture 5
1630 End

Survey lectures

I. "Controllability analysis and plantwide control (introduction, 90 min)"
Sigurd Skogestad, NTNU, Norway

II. "Effects of Process Integration on Dynamics and Control (90 min)"
Elling W. Jacobsen, KTH, Stockholm

III. "Plantwide control and optimization (90 min)"

IV. "Use of data in a plantwide environment (90 min)"

Regular lectures (Specific application and case studies)

1. "Application of plantwide control to integrated plants with recycle"
Ivar Halvorsen and Truls Larsson, NTNU

2. "Control Structure Selection for Integral Control with Integrity"
Kurt-Erik Haggblom. Abo Akademi

3. Application from Statoil,

4. "On-line performance optimisation" and "Data reconciliation"
David Cameron. Norsk Hydro research Center, Porsgrunn.

5. Performance monitoring of controllers
E.g. M. Hovd, NTNU or Alf Isaksson, KTH

(Please contact S. Skogestad if you have suggestions to whom should
present the lectures where presently NN is written)

Honorering foredragsholdere som ikke er finansiert av Nordisk
                kr. 3000 pr. time (45 min) + bidrag til reise/opphold (max. kr. 6000)
                (NB. Dette er foreløpige tall som må godkjennes)

I tillegg vil Nordisk Industrifond bidra med finansiering av deltagelse
på kurset for dr.studenter fra nordiske land.

Fiansiering fra Nordisk Industrifond er totalt: NOK 150000

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