Prost-seminar 2. des. med Frank Allgower
27 Nov 1998 11:48:31 +0100

Hallo alle PROST'ere!

Jeg minner først om disputasen til Olav Slupphaug som er tirsdag
1. desember. Frank Allgower er med i bedømmelseskomiteen og
han skal holde seminar påfølgende dag.

Onsdag 2.des. 1998, kl. 13.15 (elektro B-343)
Frank Allgower, ETH, Zurich:
"Nonlinear Process Control - On the Way to a Practical Disciplin"

Det blir servering av pizza fra kl. 12.45

Velkommen! Abstract er gitt under.

-Hilsen Sigurd Skogestad
(leder PROST)


Nonlinear Process Control
-- On the Way to a Practical Disciplin --

Frank Allgower
Automatic Control Laboratory
ETH Zurich

The dynamic behavior of most technical, and in particular chemical,
processes is of nonlinear nature. Often nonlinearities do not play
a prominent role, but in some cases the nonlinear effects are so
dominant that control tasks, like stabilization and achievement of
satisfying control performance, cannot be accomplished with linear
controllers. For these processes nonlinear controller design
techniques are mandatory.

During the last 10+ years a number of new nonlinear controller
design techniques have been developed. Although most of these
methods are very appealing from a theoretical point of view, only
few real world process control applications based on those results
are reported on.
In this talk we will discuss reasons for this lack of practical
application/applicability of some of these methods and will
show that suitable extensions and modifications can improve the
practicability considerably.