CAPE FORUM (15-16 Jan. 1999 in Liege)
25 Nov 1998 11:40:11 +0100


Jeg viser til mail fra George Heyen om CAPE FORUM møte.
Dette er en videreføring av en serie møter som Kristian Lien
startet i Trondheim for noen år siden. Så vidt jeg kan forstå
er møtet åpent for alle interesserte.

-Hilsen Sigurd

>>From Wed Nov 25 09:16:55 1998
To: "Hans Keuken" <>,
"Jan van Schijndel" <>,
"Sten Bay Jorgensen" <>,
"Dario Beltrame" <>,
"Rene Benares Alcantara" <>,
"David Bogle" <>,
"David Cameron" <>,
"Sebastian Engell" <>,
"Rafiq Gani" <>,
"Jan Geerts" <>,
"Angelo Giudici" <>,
"Georges Heyen" <>,
"Xavier Joulia" <>,
"Andrzej Kraslawski" <>,
"Kristian Lien" <>,
"Tom Malik" <>,
"Wolfgang Marquardt" <>,
"Costas Pantelides" <>,
"Esben Sorensen" <>, "Carsten Sorlie" <>,
"Ilkka Turunen" <>,
"Philippe Vacher" <>,
"Tony Perris" <>,,
"Jean-Pierre Belaud" <>,
"Pierre Boucot" <>,
"Vincenzo Cena" <>,
"Lars Christiansen" <>,
"Jan Arvid Gravklev" <>,
"Sten Bay Jorgensen" <>,
"Tony Kakhu" <>,
"Francois Marechal" <>,
"Lars Nystrom" <>,
"Marjatta Piironen" <>,
"Luigi Raimondi" <>,
"Ralf Schneider" <>,
"Christian Schulz" <>,
"Sigurd Skogestad" <>,
"Eric Fraga" <>,
"Marlies Schmitz" <>,,,
From: Georges Heyen <>
Subject: CAPE Forum 1999

Dear colleagues,

As announced last year after our very successfull meeting in Lyngby, the
next CAPE FORUM will be organised by University of Liege (Belgium).

Boris Kalitventzeff and I invite you to contribute to this event, that will
take place on January 15 and 16 1999. Please check this date in your
agenda, and inform any interested colleague which would not be on our Email
list to contact me to extend the list.

Participants from industry and from academia are both welcome : we expect
interesting discussions by confronting our view on the present and the
future of CAPE.
We would like to arrange the forum such that we can discuss, understand and
learn a little bit more on some specific topics that a majority of the
participants feel a forum meeting would be useful. For a number of years,
we have been talking about
computer aided modelling and computer aided integration. With respect to
CAPE, it would be useful to have a forum on these topics to see where we
are and what are the present trends and/or future directions. Thus besides
traditional session on modelling and integration, a session will be devoted
to any open issue.

You are invited to deliver presentations on your current activities.
Any topic dealing with CAPE will fit, especially new applications or
developments. Software demonstrations are also appropriate.

We encourage participants to distribute material about their company,
institution and/or research group. We also encourage speakers to distribute
copies of their presentation, if they wish to do so. Please note that
Cape-Forum is an informal meeting and we would like to keep it informal and
encourage open discussions. Thus we do not want to impose any rules.

Since our goal is to attract active participants, especially young
researchers, there is no registration fee : you will have to pay only for
travel and accomodation. We negociate with hotels in Liege and expect the
price to be approximately 2500 BEF/night (65 EURO).
Please note, that the time schedule is ideally suited for buing
APEX-tickets. Nearest airports are Brussels (100 km) and Maastricht-Aachen
(50 km).

Exact time table and hotel information will reach you in a few days.

I apologize if you receive several times this message : I send it to
several of my contact lists and cannot guarantee there is no overlap.

We look forward to meeting you in Liege early next year.
Best regards

_________ _________________________________________________________
| | | _| | | Georges HEYEN LASSC, Universite de Liege |
| | | | | | | tel : +32 (0)4 366 3527 Institut de Chimie |
| | |___| | | fax : +32 (0)4 366 3525 Sart Tilman, Building B6a |
| \_____/ | | Allee de la Chimie 17 |
\_________/ | B-4000 Liege (Belgium) |