CAPE.NET og invitasjon til workshops
15 Oct 1998 16:15:00 +0200

Hallo Prost'ere

Vi er medlem av et EU-nettverk i prosess-systemteknikk (CAPE.NET).

I den anledning skal det holdes to workshop'er

1. "Process Development, Design and Engineering" i London paa torsdag
29. oktober. Denne workshopen holdes av undergruppe 4 ("Concurrent process
engineering".) Ansvarlig: Tony Perris

Jeg fikk mail fra Tony Perris om dette for kun to dager siden, og
fristen for paamelding er allerede imorgen. Mer info er gitt under.

2. 'Model quality in process dynamics for plant design and operation'
i London 19-20 Nov. 1998. Denne workshopen arrangeres felles av
undergruppe 3 og 5. Ansvarlig: David Bogle

Vi har noe midler til aa dekke reise. Vennligst ta kontakt med undertegnede
snarest om du kan tenke deg aa delta.

Under har jeg skrevet litt generelt om CAPE.NET og deretter
tatt med info om Tony's workshop (der frist for paamelding helst er

-Hilsen Sigurd

Litt om CAPE.NET

CAPE.NET har en rekke industribedrifter og universiteter som medlemmer.
EU har stilt til raadighet midler som stort sett dekker reiser.
Tema: Finne status og utfordringer innenfor Process Systems Engineering
Fra Norge deltar NTNU, Hydro og Statoil.

Jeg disponerer "vaare" pengene siden Kristian Lien har trukket seg

Arbeidet er delt i 5 undergrupper:

1. Modelling of Unit Processes (bl.a. Dag Eimer, Hydro er med her)
2. Whole-Process Synthesis & Integration
3. Flexibility, Operability and Dynamics (David Bogle leder denne)
4. Concurrent process engineering (Front End Engineering)
5. Model-Based Manufacturing (David Cameron leder denne)

Opplegget er noe forvirrende og det er tildels store overlapp mellom
gruppene; f.eks. mellom gruppe 3 og 5 (der jeg selv har deltatt).
(Gruppe 3 og 5 planlegger som nevnt et felles-møte i London i 19-20. nov.)

For mer informasjon om CAPE.NET se
For medlemmer se

-Hilsen Sigurd


(se ogsaa under invitation paa )

Workshop: Thursday 29th October 1998 at University College London

I am pleased to invite you to attend the workshop described on the attachments. I would be grateful to receive confirmation of your intention to attend no later than Friday 16th October, so that I can organise appropriate catering and send you the working papers. There is no charge for attendance.

The emphasis of the workshop will be on informal debate and discussion of the end-use and technology issues and exchange of ideas and experiences. There will be a minimum of formal "canned" presentations.

We hope that all participants will actively contribute by making a short informal presentation (around 10 minutes?), addressing the issues and questions raised on the attached pages (and, of course, raising appropriate additional isses and questions which we have omitted).

Please reply to Tony Perris, no later than Friday 16th October, so that we can send you details of the location & timing, so that working papers can be distributed to you in good time and so that we can ensure that you get some lunch!
Fax: (+44/0) 1483 772482

Idea of the workshop

The CAPE.NET technology working group on Concurrent Process Engineering has begun to develop a vision of the future development of process engineering. This vision is still evolving and it is intended that this workshop will help drive it forward. The long-term objective of the group's work is to promote appropriate R&D into tools and environments/infrastructures to support this new approach to front end engineering.

There have, of course, been a number of activities in this area since the 1970s but experience to date has been very mixed - there have been some limited successes and some serious failures. The group believes that a significant contributing factor to this situation has been that these attempts have typically been driven by a technological idea and there has been inadequate interaction with the "problem owners" to define a vision of what is really required, not just to help with what we do today but also to help us take a worthwhile step forward.

This workshop will take the form of open and informal discussions (though there will be some "seed" presentations and materials) and will address the following objectives:

* To bring together the "problem owners", the design research community and potential suppliers to consolidate experience to date, both within the process industries and in other relevant sectors
* To further develop the definition of the problem/opportunity and a "perfect solution"
* To understand how such a solution might interact with and change the design process itself
* To identify the key issues/unknowns, standards, underpinning technologies, etc, required to convert such a vision into a reality
* To gather information and understanding of the available products, "raw technologies" and current R&D and how they address these needs
* To begin the definition of some "practical stepping stones" towards our perfect solution and identify what R&D will be required to deliver these intermediate solutions. (It is envisaged that such R&D might be promoted within the context of the EU's Framework Programme 5, which will begin shortly.)

We hope very much that you will be able to attend and contribute your ideas and experiences to our discussions.

Draft Programme


Registration & Coffee

Chairman's Welcome & Introductory Remarks

Round-Table Introductions

* Who are we?
* Why are we here?
* What can we contribute?
* What do we hope to take away?


Individual Presentations:

* What are the key problems/opportunities (in terms of their impact on the infernal triangle)?
* What are the critical trends (ie. more problems/opportunities tomorrow)?
* What are the key requirements/capabilities?
* What have we tried; what did we learn?
* Perceptions of standards, technology & research activities
* Our "hot buttons" & priorities

Consolidation & Review

Next Steps