Gjesteforelesning Valeri N. Kiva fredag 06/02-98

2 Feb 1998 14:12:23 -0000

PROST: Process systems engineering at NTNU/SINTEF in Trondheim, Norway
See also: http://www.kkt.chembio.ntnu.no/research/PROST
Tid: Fredag 6. februar kl. 10.15
Sted: Lunsjrommet ved NTNU - Kjemiteknikk,
Gloeshaugen, kjemiblokk 5, 2.etg

Foredragsholder: Valeri N. Kiva, Laboratory on Mixture Separation,
Karpov Institute of Physical Chemistry, Moscow

"Methods for distilling azeotropic mixtures"
The methods for separating binary homogeneous azeotrope by
distillation with a third component (separating agent) are
considered. These methods include homogeneous azeotropic distillation,
heterogeneous azeotropic distillation and extractive distillation.
The possibility to employ one of these methods depend on the
vapor-liquid equilibrium diagram of the ternary mixture of the binary
to be separated and the third component. It will be shown that the
separation efficiency of homogeneous azeotropic distillation is
strongly exaggerated. In some cases the heterogeneous azeotropic
distillation is more effective, but the range of feasible entrainers
is too narrow. Extractive distillation is less sensitive to the
structure of VLE diagram and the range of solvents is broad.
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