Gjesteforelesning: Docent Karl-Erik Aarzen

Bjarne Foss (Bjarne.Foss@itk.ntnu.no)
Wed, 12 Nov 1997 18:02:56 +0100

PROST: Process systems engineering at NTNU/SINTEF in Trondheim, Norway
See also: http://www.kkt.chembio.ntnu.no/research/PROST

Det arrangeres fredag en gjesteforelesning som boer interessere flere PROSTere.
Det gaar paa batch-prosesser og utvikling av styringssystem for denne typen
prosesser. Gjesteforelesningen vil inkludere demoer av systemer som er utviklet
paa G2.

Foreleser: Docent Karl-Erik Aarzen, Lund Tekniska Hoegskola, Sverige
Sted: B343 (elektroblokk B)
Tid: Fredag 14/11 kl.10.15-11.00

"Grafchart and Recipe-Based Batch Control"


The presentation shows how Grafchart, a G2-based toolbox based on
Grafcet, object-oriented programming ideas, and high-level Petri nets,
can be used in the context of recipe-based multi-purpose batch
systems. It is shown how the concepts of Grafchart fit the models
defined in the recent ISA batch control standard S88.01. A simulated
batch process cell scenario is presented together with several
alternative ways of representing batch recipes. Applications of
Grafchart in local model-based diagnosis, and alarm filtering are also

Vel moett!

Vennlig hilsen

Professor Bjarne A. Foss

Dept. of Engineering Cybernetics Norwegian University of Science and Technology N 7034 Trondheim - Norway tel: +47-7359 4476 fax: +47-7359 4399 email: Bjarne.Foss@itk.ntnu.no WWW: http://www.itk.ntnu.no/ansatte/Foss_Bjarne -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To cancel your subscribtion/subscribe to this list: Send mail to majordomo@chembio.ntnu.no wiht "UN-/SUBSCRIBE prost" in the messagebody.