PROST Seminar onsdag 1/10 - Prof. Nazmul Karim

Eva-Katrine Hilmen (
30 Sep 1997 10:16:28 -0000

Velkommen til PROST-seminar

Tid: Onsdag 1. oktober kl. 13.00-14.30
Sted: Lunsjrom kjemiteknikk (Kjemiblokk 5, 2.etg)

Prof. M. Nazmul Karim, Colorado State University:
"Application of Neural Networks and Principal Component"

Pizza og brus serveres kl. 13.00.
Foredrag begynner kl. 13.30 (45 min pluss 15 min diskusjon).

Application of Neural Networks and Principal Component Analysis
in Biotechnology Based Industries

Professor M. N. Karim
Department of Chemical & Bioresource Engineering
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523


In biotechnology industries, either in process development or
production scale, a large amount of data is generated. Data based
analysis tools are useful for prediction and optimization purposes.
In this presentation, fundamentals of NN and PCA techniques will be
discussed. The main focus of the presentation will be on why and how
to use these tools. Case studies dealing with various microbial
processes such as mammalian and bacterial cell culture processes will
used to illustrate the benefits of using these methods

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