IFAC workshop FAULT DETECTION, 4-5 Jun 1998

21 Jul 1997 12:37:18 -0000

>>From cast10-request@bevo.che.wisc.edu Mon Jul 7 16:21:00 1997

3rd Ifac Workshop on
June 4-5, 1998
Solaize (Lyon), France

Organized by IFP on behalf of AFCET

Incentives for on-line fault detection and
supervision of process operations include
human safety, environmental safeguards, equipment
protection, and economic
considerations such as improvements in product
quality, increased production, etc. These
incentives, together with development and
evaluation of methodologies for on-line fault
detection, localisation and supervision form the
focus of this Workshop. The Workshop
will address theory, application, validation,
performance and cost evaluation of
methodologies. These methodologies include
model-based systems for fault detection and
knowledge-based approaches for fault diagnosis.
Examples include parameter estimation,
observers, parity equations, signal analysis
methods, classification, rule-based systems
with probabilistic approaches, fuzzy logic and
neural networks. New approaches that
integrate methodologies from process control and
process fault diagnosis are encouraged.
The Workshop will also address the identification
and representation of process
information required for the implementation and
validation of these methodologies. Such
information may be derived from design
specifications, first principles, simulation and
on-line sensors. Temporal requirements as expressed
by the representations of process
trends, or in data sampling rates and information
processing rates are also issues of
concern in this Workshop.

Capital of Roman Gaul, religious capital in the
Middle Ages, a free city when the
country was a monarchy, and now one of the most
dynamic cities in present day France,
Lyon has a lot to offer. Situated at the confluence
of two great rivers, the Rhône and
the Saône, Lyon is eternalized by their majesty and
timelessness which have inspired
sculptors and artists through the centuries.
Strolling through the streets of the old
town, you will enjoy a journey back in time,
landmarked by monuments.
The Workshop will be held at IFP in the CEDI René
Navarre (Centre d'études et de
développement industriels) industrial R&D center,
which designs, builds and operates
pilot-plants and test-facilities.

P. Dhurjati (USA), Chair
K.E. Arzen (SUE) X. Joulia (FR)
M. Blanke (DEN) A. Jovanovic (GER)
S. Cauvin (FR) B. Kalitventzeff
J.P. Corriou (FR) H. Koivo (FIN)
P. Dague (FR) J. Morris (UK)
Y. Dote (JAP) J.M. Penalva (FR)
R. Fjellheim (NOR) R.J. Patton (UK)
P.M. Frank (GER) V. Préau (AUS)
C. Georgakis (USA), J. Romagnoli (AUS)
J. Gertler (USA) L. Traves-Massuyes
R. Isermann (GER) Cheng Ching Yu

S. Cauvin (IFP) Chair, N. Couenne (IFP), Y. Rondot
Ph. Zaccagnino (ELF)
P. Dhurjati (USA), M. Kramer (USA), S. Cauvin (FR)

The Institut Français du Pétrole is an integrated
research and industrial development,
training and information center at the service of
the oil, natural gas and automotive

IFAC Technical Committee "Chemical Process Control"
Co-Sponsors :
IFAC Technical Committee "Fault Detection and
Supervision of technical processes"

1 November 1997 : Submission of extended abstracts
(2 pages)
15 December 1997 : Notification of acceptance
1 March 1998 : Papers in camera ready form and a
disk copy.
All papers should be set out as follows :
*Authors names & addresses
including fax and e-mails
* Keywords
*6 pages
Please send 5 copies to the following address, and
indicate your interest to contribute
or attend the workshop by returning the attached
reply form to :

Dr Sylvie Cauvin
IFP, 1-4 avenue de Bois Préau,
92852 Rueil-Malmaison cedex, France
E-mail : WORKSHOP-IFAC98@ifp.fr
Phone: 33 (0) 1 47 52 70 17 Fax : 33 (0) 1 47 52 70

31 May - 3 June 1998, ESCAPE-8 in Bruges, Belgium.
June 8-11, IFAC DYCOPS-5 in Corfu, Greece.
Lyon has flights and rail connections with Corfu
and Bruges via Paris and Bruxels.

Publication and Copyright :
The material submitted for presentation at an IFAC
meeting (congress, symposium,
conference, workshop) must be original, not
published or being considered elsewhere. All
papers for presentation will appear in the
Preprints of the meeting and will be
distributed to the participants. Papers duly
presented will be archived and offered for
sale, in the form of Proceedings, by Elsevier
Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. The presented
papers will be further screened for possible
publication in the IFAC journals
Automatica and Control Engineering Practice, or in
other IFAC affiliated journals. All
papers presented will be recorded in Control
Engineering practice. Copyright of material
presented at an IFAC meeting is held by IFAC.
Authors will be sent a copyright transfer
form. Automatica, Control Engineering Practice and,
after these IFAC affiliated journals
have priority access to all contributions
presented. However, if the author has not been
contacted by an editor of these journals, within
three months after the meeting, the
author is free to re-submit the material for
publication elsewhere. In this case, the
paper must carry a reference to IFAC meeting where
it was originally presented.


Those interested in the Workshop are requested to
complete the form below and return it, by mail, fax
or e-mail.
Fax : 33 (0) 1 47 52 70 96 or
E-mail : WORKSHOP-IFAC98@ifp.fr

Workshop on On-line Fault Detection and Supervision
in the Chemical Process Industries
4-5 June 1998
Solaize (Lyon), France

Family Name :______________________________

First name :________________________________

Title/Position :______________________________

Organization :_______________________________

Mailing Address :____________________________



Fax :______________________________________

E-mail :___________________________________

Please send me any further available information

I plan to participate in the workshop

I intend to submit a paper entitled :__________



Author(s) :_________________________________


Dr Sylvie Cauvin
Institut Français du Pétrole
1-4 avenue de Bois Préau
92852 Rueil Malmaison Cédex. France
Tél : 33 (1) 47 52 70 17
Fax : 33 (1) 47 52 70 22
email : Sylvie.Cauvin@ifp.fr