New policy AIChE meetings

Sigurd Skogestad ((no email))
Wed, 11 Jun 1997 15:49:30 +0200


Merk at AIChE naa innskjerper krav om at paper, extended abstract
eller i det minste kopi av transparenter sendes til New York foer konferansen.
Jeg er usikker paa i hvilken grad dette vil bli fulgt opp.

Dette gjelder f.eks. AIChE Annual meeting som i aar er i Los Angeles
16-21 Nov. 1997.


>From Wed Jun 11 15:35:39 1997
Subject: AIChE Annual Meeting Session 10a01
From: Jack Vinson <>
Date: 11 Jun 1997 08:34:10 -0500

Dear Speakers,

The following is the official policy regarding manuscripts for all AIChE
sessions. We are well aware that the old policy (which required a
full-length manuscript) has not been followed in the past, but the new
policy allows for some leniency.

The Area 10 chair has made it clear that all papers will have some sort of
record, and that the area will be judged by our compliance to this policy.
(My take on this is that if we do not comply, we will be permitted fewer
meeting slots at the conferences.)

As a result of this policy, you are encouraged to submit a manuscript to
the New York office.
>>The minimum requirement is a set of the slides to be used in the presentation.

Jack Vinson
Ka Ng


Speakers at AIChE meetings are reminded to send a written record of
their presentation to AIChE Headquarters in New York by the manuscript
submission deadline, typically one month before the meeting. This
requirement is enforced to improve the quality of presentations
generally as well as to enable AIChE to fill requests for copies of
papers during and after each meeting. Formal full-length manuscripts
are encouraged for the presentation record. However, please note that
some Programming Groups and organizers of Topical Conferences and
other events produce preprints or proceedings volumes or otherwise
consider presentation records for publication and may mandate specific
manuscript requirements. Authors are advised to confirm any special
format requirements with their Session Chair well in advance of the
presentation record submission deadline. In the absence of any
mandated requirements, the minimal presentation record content
acceptable to AIChE is an extended abstract including an introduction,
results, discussion, and references which may be augmented with
figures and tables, presentation visual aids, or poster panels. The
Executive Board of the National Program Committee has adopted the
policy that the advanced submission of a written presentation record
is a condition for speaking at AIChE-sponsored meetings.