Felix Petlyuk's visit - Azeotropic Distillation

Eva-Katrine Hilmen ((no email))
Thu, 15 May 1997 14:08:26 +0200

Felix Petlyuk's visit to Norway:
Azeotropic Distillation Friday May 16

9 am at room 225 (lunch room Kjemiteknikk)
The Friday session on azeotropic distillation will be held
in room 225 (lunch room Kjemiteknikk) starting at 9 am.

Dr. Felix Petlyuk will give a lecture on:

1. Possible variants of sharp separation of azeotropic
mixtures in infinite columns under infinite reflux.

2. The same under finite reflux and for reversible distillation.

3. The same for double-feed columns.

and we will discuss this and other topics connected to distillation
of azeotropic mixtures. Welcome!

- -Katrine