DYCOPS-5: First announcement

Sigurd Skogestad ((no email))
Mon, 5 May 1997 09:17:41 +0200

>From cg00@Lehigh.edu Sat May 3 02:38:23 1997
From: Christos Georgakis <cg00@Lehigh.edu>

DYCOPS-5 (Preliminary Announcement)
5th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems*
June 8-10, 1998, Corfu (Kerkyra), Greece

Sponsored by the IFAC Technical Committee on Chemical Process Control
and Organized by the Technical Chamber of Greece Athens, Greece

"Technology Push vs. Technology Pull in the 21st Century"

Process and Control Researchers, Engineers, and Managers in Academia and
Industry involved in the development and application of new methodologies
and algorithms for the Design, Modeling, Monitoring, Control, and
Optimization of Process Systems.

The DYCOPS-5 Symposium will focus on the examination of new methodologies
and challenging applications in the following five important areas of
dynamics and control of process systems:
Reacting Process Systems
Separation Process Systems
Batch Process Systems
Complex and Industrial Systems
Integration of Design and Control
A substantial industrial involvement will contribute to a dialog about what
is Technically Possible (Technology Push) and what is Technologically
Desirable (Technology Pull).

The Symposium program will include:
Invited Plenary Presentations, Panel Discussions, and Keynote, Oral and
Poster Presentations of Technical Papers. The International Program
Committee will select the Keynote presentations from the contributed papers.

For more details see: < http://lpre1.cperi.forth.gr/~dycops5/>.

The submission of papers related to one or several of the main topics below
will be welcome. Papers highlighting industrial experiences and/or
comparisons between theory and experiments are of particular interest.
Papers dealing with large-scale process systems and the integration of
Process Design and Control will be given special attention.

Dynamics and Control of Novel Reacting Systems
Dynamics and Control of Innovative Separation Systems
Modeling, Optimization and Scheduling of Batch Plants
Reactive Separations or Separating Reactions
Integration of Process Design and Control
Plant-Wide Dynamics, Monitoring, and Control
Verification and Calibration of Dynamic Models
Modeling and Understanding of Complex Dynamics
Open- and Closed-loop Identification
Novel and Model-based Controller Design
Testing and Verification of Control Strategies
Controller Performance Monitoring
Real-time Optimization Methods and Applications
Modeling, Monitoring & Control of Complex Multivariable Systems
Industrial Scale Problems and Solutions
Design and Control of Modular Plants
Novel Hard or Soft Sensors
Economical Benefits of Control and Real-time Optimization
Novel Technologies for Control Rooms and Distributed Hardware


September 15, 1997 Submission of draft papers
January 15, 1998 Notification to authors about acceptance
March 1, 1998 Submission of papers in camera-ready form
June 8, 1998 Proceedings Volume available to Conference

The length of the submitted papers should be limited to six pages,
utilizing the conference style-sheet. Electronic submission of papers at
DYCOPS5@Lehigh.edu is strongly recommended. The acceptable electronic file
formats are Postscript (*.ps) or PDF. For more information, visit the
Conference web site at <http://lpre1.cperi.forth.gr/~ dycops5/>. If
electronic submission is not at all possible, four (4) copies of the draft
paper should be received by the September 15, 1997 deadline at the
following address:

c/o Professor Christos Georgakis,
Chemical Process Modeling and Control Center, Lehigh University
Iacocca Hall, 111 Research Drive, Bethlehem, PA 18015-4732, USA
Phone: (610) 758-5432; Fax: (610) 758-5297
E-mail: dycops5@Lehigh.edu

DYCOPS-5 Secretariat:
Department of Chemical Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
P.O. Box 472, 54006, Thessaloniki, Greece
Phone: +30-31-996-211 or 996-212,
Fax: +30-31-996-198 or 980-160
E-mail: dycops98@alexandros.cperi.forth.gr

IFAC publication and copyright conditions:
Copyright for the material is held by IFAC. All authors will be requested
to sign a copyright release form. Automatica, Control Engineering
Practice, Journal of Process Control, and other IFAC affiliated journals
have priority access to all contributions presented at the meeting.

For more details see: < http://lpre1.cperi.forth.gr/~dycops5/>.

English will be the official language throughout the Symposium.

For more details see: < http://lpre1.cperi.forth.gr/~dycops5/>.

Christos Georgakis, Chair
Chemical Process Modeling & Control Center, Lehigh University
Iacocca Hall, Bethlehem, PA 18015-4732, USA
Fax: +1-610-758-5297; Phone: +1-610-758-5432
e-mail: cg00@Lehigh.edu

Co-Chair for Reacting Process Systems:
Evanghelos Zafiriou, University of Maryland, USA
Co-Chair for Batch Process Systems:
Sandro Macchietto, Imperial College, UK
Co-Chair for Separation Process Systems:
Shinji Hasebe, Kyoto University, Japan
Co-Chair for Complex and Industrial Systems:
Yiannis Dimitratos, Du Pont, USA
Co-Chair for Integration of Design and Control
Daniel Lewin, Technion, Israel)

Costas Kiparissides, Chair,
Department of Chemical Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
P.O. Box 472, 54006 Thessaloniki, Greece
Phone: +30-31-996-211 or 996-212
Fax: +30-31-996-198 or 980-160
e-mail: cypress@alexandros.cperi.forth.gr

G. Lyberatos (Co-Chair); Members: I. Vasalos, V. Petridis, P. Groumbos,
D. Agoris, A. Ligeros, D. Maragos, E. Papadopoulos


FROM: Professor Christos GEORGAKIS
Chemical Process Modeling & Control Research Center and
Department of Chemical Engineering, LEHIGH UNIVERSITY
Phone:(610)758-5432; Fax:(610)758-5297;
E-mail: cg00@Lehigh.edu

CONSIDER participating at the next
International Process Control Conference
DYCOPS-5, June 5-8, Corfu, Greece;
more info: < http://lpre1.cperi.forth.gr/~dycops5/>