Seminar polymer - korreksjon

Sigurd Skogestad ((no email))
Fri, 4 Apr 1997 19:16:21 +0200


Som det ofte blir naar man sender ut beskjeder til mange ble det en feil.
Tiden skal vaere 13.30 og jeg glemte ogsaa aa gi stedet.
Her er korrigert melding. - Sigurd

PROST-seminar onsdag 9.mars, kl.13.30
Inst. for kjemiteknikk., lunsjrommet, 2.etg., Kjemiblokk 4.

Costas Kiparissides , Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece:

NB!! ALLE PROST'ere og andre interesserte: Møt opp!

For mer informasjon se:


Integrated multivariable process control can have a significant strategic impact on polymer
plant operability and economics. Polymer production facilities face increasing pressures
for production cost reductions and more stringent quality requirements. The term "polymer
quality" encompasses a set of structural characteristics of the final polymer product such as
the molecular weight distribution (MWD), copolymer composition distribution (CCD), de-
gree of branching distribution (DBD), particle size distribution (PSD), etc. These molecular
and morphological properties determine to a great extent the end-use properties of the pol-
ymers. The main goals in operating a polymer reactor (high yield, better product quality
and safe operation) are very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve without efficient and re-
liable polymer characterisation techniques. Although the weakest link in polymer reactor
control schemes is undoubtedly the on-line instrumentation, lack of understanding of the
process dynamics, the highly sensitive and nonlinear behaviour of polymer reactors and the
lack of well structured control strategies all contribute to the limited number of successful
applications of advanced process control to polymer industry. Appropriate process control
technology and optimisation provide leverage points for cost reductions and improvements
in product uniformity by enabling processes to be operated closer to economic, plant and
safety (both human and environmental) constraints. Intelligent manufacturing relates to the
harmonious integration of advanced sensors, statistical approaches and advanced process
control. Specifically, in the present seminar the following topics will be addressed:

Development of comprehensive unified mathematical models for prediction of molecular
and morphological properties in multicomponent batch, semi-batch and continuous polym-
erization reactors in terms of process operating conditions.

Development of improved or/and new on-line analytical sensors for monitoring of impor-
tant polymer properties such as molecular weight distribution, copolymer composition dis-
tribution, particle size distribution, solution viscosity. Application of generic nonlinear
modelling methodologies for development of nonlinear software sensors.

Development of optimal "open loop" and "closed loop" reactor policies to produce a poly-
mer of desired quality (i.e., particle size distribution, molecular weight distribution, copol-
ymer composition, etc.)