Nordic Process Control Workshop, 12-14 jan. 1997

Sigurd Skogestad ((no email))
Thu, 5 Dec 1996 15:19:17 +0100


Her folger litt informasjon om 7. Nordic Process Control
Workshop som arrangeres 12 - 14. januar 1997 paa
Wadahl Hogfjellshotell naer Vinstra. Motet er sondag - tirsdag
saa det kan passe bra med aa kombinere med et privat opphold

Jeg haaper at flest mulig som arbeider med prosessregulering
kan delta! Send innbydelsen videre.

Jeg sender en separat mail med "preliminary program".

Det vil ogsaa bli sendt rundt tilsvarende trykket informasjon.
Forovrig finnes oppdatert informasjom paa:

Merk at fristen for paamelding er 17. des. 1997 for aa faa
rimelig paameldingsavgift.


Hilsen Sigurd Skogestad

PS. Vennligst gi meg beskjed om feil etc.
Paameldinger etc. sendes til Tove Krokstad.
Sigurd Skogestad, Professor Fax: +47-7359-4080
Chemical Engineering Phone: +47-7359-4154
Norwegian University of Science and Technology Home: +47-7393-6855
N-7034 Trondheim e-mail:

7th Nordic Process Control Workshop
12 - 14 Jan. 1997, Wadahl Høgfjellshotell, Norway.

Organized by the Process control group,
Department of Chemical Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).

The objective of the workshop is to bring together the Nordic process control
community. There will be presentations of the latest work or plans for
future work, but otherwise the format is informal. No papers are
required but a volumne with abstracts or reprints of recent publications
will be distributed at the meeting. At the workshop the Nordic Process
Control Award will be presented to Professor Karl Johan Åstrøm,
Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden. The award is presented to persons
who have made a lasting and significant contribution to the field of
process control.

Preliminary program: See separate mail

Practical information

The workshop starts on Sunday 12 January at 16.00 with registration and
ends on Tuesday 14 January at 14.30 (after lunch)

Venue and room reservation

The workshop will take place at Wadahl Høgfjellshotell (Phone +47-6129-8300). Participants must
make their own room reservations. For the workshop 40 rooms have been reserved and will be kept until
20 December 1996. The rate is NOK 1340 for two nights (Sunday to Tuesday) and includes three meals
each day. For one night the rate is NOK 730. For double room the price is reduced by 50 kr/night for each

If you want to come on Friday or Saturday for downhill or cross country skiing then note that the hotel is
already fully booked for the weekend. Instead we recommend that you try:
Gaalaa Fjellkro & apartementer (tlf +47-612 98438, fax +47-612 98450) which is next to the hotel.
Store leiligheter for 4-5 personer: NOK 590,- pr døgn (2 soverom/koyer 1 soveplass i stue, Stue m/salong
TV & Oppvaskmaskin). Smaa leiligheter for 2-3 personer: NOK 520,-pr.dogn (1 soverom+stue).
Sengelinne/haandkle kan medbringes, hvis leid NOK 75,- pr.person for hele oppholdet. I utgangspunktet er
det lagt opp til selvhusholdning. men stedet har kro og det kan ogsaa bestilles helpensjon- da til andre priser.
Et alternativ er Gaalaa Hogfjellshotell (tel. +47- 61 29 81 09) som ligger ca. 500 m fra Wadahl
Hogfjelsshotell. Pris i weekend med 3 maaltider er 650,- pr person i dobbeltrom/dcgn. Kontakt Tove
Krokstad for mer informasjon.


The hotel is located 13 km from the Vinstra railway station north of Lillehammer. Please call the hotel
regarding bus transfer from Vinstra to the hotel (NOK 70 each way). A special bus will be set up Tuesday to
bring partcipants from Wadahl to Oslo. Cost: NOK 300. It leaves from the hotel at about 14.40 with expected
arrival at Oslo Forneby Airport at 19.00.

Registration and conference fee

Registration before 17 Dec. 1996: NOK 1500 (NOK 500 for students)

Later registration: NOK 1800 (NOK 700 for students)

Payment: Invoice will be send when we receive your registration

Note again that you must make your own hotel reservations and that the rooms are guaranteed available
only until 20 December (although it seems at this point that there will be lots of rooms).


All correspondence (including registration) should be adressed to:

Tove Krokstad
Institutt for kjemiteknikk, NTNU
7034 Trondheim, Norway

Phone: +47-735-95714
Fax: +47-735-94080