Konferanse- og seminaroversikt

Sigurd Skogestad ((no email))
Wed, 20 Nov 1996 17:11:38 +0100

Hallo PROST'ere

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PROST seminars and other important dates

en liste over seminarer og konferanser som oppdateres jevnlig.
Det finnes også videre linker, f.eks. kan en ved å trykke på

11-15 Nov. 1996 AIChE Annual meeting , Chicago

få ut informasjom med abstracts etc. for dette møtet (Jeg var der..
skal prowe å kjomme med mer info senere).

Vennligst send meg mail dersom det er en konferanse e.l. som det
bør legges inn info om/link til.

Under følger en oversikt over det som pr.idag ligger inne.

-Hilsen Sigurd

PROST Friday seminars. Autumn 1996

22 nov. Steinar Sælid, Prediktor AS:
"Modellbasert reguleringsteknologi. Eksempel fra potensiell
anvendelse: Prilleprosess."
29 nov. Costas Pantelides, Imperial College,
06 des. Roger Hansen og Ola Olsvik,. Statoil:
Metanolanlegget på Tjeldbergodden
13 des. Jens Balchen, NTNU: On-line dynamisk optimalisering

Some other important dates

26 Nov. 1996 PROST styremøte
1-2 Dec. 1996 EU-Petlyuk workshop (S. Skogestad, R. Smith, etc.)
09 Dec. 1996 Tapio Westerlund, Åbo Akademi, An Algorithm for
Solving Quasi-Convex MINLP - Problems - with Applications in
Production Planning, 14.15 - 16.00, Aud. EL1.
17 Dec. 1996 PROST styremøte

Conferences etc.

11-15 Nov. 1996 AIChE Annual meeting , Chicago
12-14 Jan. 1997 7th Nordic Process Control Workshop , Wadahl near
Lillehammer. For more information send email to: tovekrok@kjemi.unit.no
sometime in the winter 1997: Internal PROST seminar/getaway
22-23 May 1997 IFAC workshop on AI/KBS systems, Budapest
26-29 May 1997 PSE-ESCAPE-97 conference in Trondheim
04-06 June 1997 American Control Conference, Albuquerque
09-11 June 1997 IFAC workshop Adchem'97, Banff, Canada
01-04 July 1997 European Control Conference, Brussel
14-18 July 1997 1997 Advanced Summer Institute (ASI'97). Life cycle
approaches to production systems: Management, control supervision.
Budapest. Abstract: 20 Feb. 1997. (Program chairman: Hans Wortmann,
10-20 Aug. 1997 NATO ASI on Nonlinear Model Based Control ,
Antalya, Turkey. (14 Mar 97: Deadline for abstracts and for application for
08-10 Sep. 1997 Distillation'97, Maastricht
16-21 Nov. 1997 AIChE Annual meeting, Los Angeles. Abstracts: March 1997

01-03 June 1998 ESCAPE'8, Ostend, Belgium
08-10 June 1998 IFAC Symp. on process control (DYCOPS-5), Corfu.
Draft paper: Sept. 1997 (?)
15-18 June 1998 IFAC workshop on integration of design and control,
Jerusalem. Abstract: 01 Sept. 1997
24-26 June 1998 American Control Conference, Philadelphia
15-17 July 1988 IFAC-symposium LSS'98. Large Scale Systems:
Theory and applications, Patras, Greece. Full paper: 15 July 1997.

05-09 July 1999 IFAC World Congress, Beijing