PROST-seminar med Asbjørnsen 11.oktober 1996

Sigurd Skogestad ((no email))
Tue, 8 Oct 1996 08:56:28 +0200


Denne gang kan vi ønske en nye PROST-gruppe velkommen med et seminar.
MERK STEDET: Institutt for termisk energi og vannkraft. Nærmeste bygning
øst for Hovedbygget (inngang i nærheten av NTH-trykk).

Tid: Fredag 11.okt kl. 13.00-14.30
Sted: Spiserom 5. etg., Inst. for termisk energi og vannkraft (MERK STEDET)
Odd Andreas Asbjørnsen, NTNU: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in a control
engineering perspective

Pizza e.l. serveres kl. 13.00.
Foredrag begynner kl. 13.30 (45 min pluss 15 min diskusjon).

Alle PROSTere oppfordres på det sterkeste til å møte!

Life cycle analysis, needs analysis and requirement definition
are among the cornerstones for system design and product development. A
brief survey will be given. Life Cycle Assessment includes decisions for
future actions to be taken to improve system performance, "Sustainability"
is a derivative of that. LCA is therefore involved in predictive decision
making, similar to MPC. The objective function for the decisions is related
to the system's (or product's) use of resources and its environmental loads
and consequences. The key elements in LCA, when properly used, are models
for system behavior, including constraints and effects from manipulation of
degrees of freedom, models for system interaction with the environment, such
as utilization of resources and emission of wastes, models for future
scenarios of disturbances, events and time of events, etc., all considered
in a life cycle for economics, materials, energy, human factors and society,
etc. This is all very similar to cybernetics and familiar and to control
engineers, a field completely ignored in the "LCA-world". The models used
there are usually static material and energy balances, while the
accumulation dynamics require dynamic models. Models for system behavior
are often based on historical data for existing systems or products,
ignoring the dynamics of technology development.
The essence of the talk will be to point out some of the characteristics of
LCA and its clear relationship to cybernetics and optimal predictive
control. The fact that most data and assumptions are very uncertain require
probabilistic and possibilistic analyses to be made.

OVERSIKT (revidert):

13 sep. Disputas Ying Zhao: Modeling and control of bioprocesses
20 sep. Dag Ljungquist, Inst. for kybernetikk, NTNU: Prosessregulering i
norsk aluminiumsindustri - Stort potensiale/ store utfordringer
27 sep. Hasse Skrifvars, Abo Akademi, Finland:
Alternative stategies for solving MINLP problems
04 okt. Sigurd Skogestad, NTNU. Høydepunkter fra sin nye bok.
11 okt. Odd Andreas Asbjørnsen, NTNU: Livsløpsanalyse
18 okt. Bjarne Foss, NTNU: Ulinear MPC (Interpolating Optimizing Control)
og litt om erfaringer fra industri-konsortium ved Univ. of Texas.
25 okt. Kristian Lien, Institutt for kjemiteknikk, NTNU
Towards phenomena based process design
01 nov. Audun Faanes, Hydro F-senter: Ny PVC-reaktor: Erfaringer fra
implementering av nytt reguleringssystem.
08 nov. Dan Rivera, Arizona State University: A Control-Relevant Methodology
for Multivariable System Identification with
Application to High-Purity Distillation
15 nov. (AIChE Annual meeting - sannsynligvis ikke seminar)
22 nov. Steinar Saelid, Prediktor AS
29 nov. Costas Pantelides, Imperial College,
06 des. Statoil: Ny metanolprosess på Tjeldbergodden
13 des. Truls Gundersen, NTNU.

Fremtidige godbiter (muligens etter jul):
Jens Balchen.

-Hilsen Sigurd