Nytt NATO-kurs i Tyrkia om modellbasert regulering

Sigurd Skogestad ((no email))
Thu, 19 Sep 1996 16:44:22 +0200


Jeg vedlegger informasjon om kurset. Merk at for akademikere vil kursavgift,
og hoyst sannsynlig ogsaa opphold, dekkes av NATO. Industrifolk maa betale
noe, men jeg tviler paa at det er saa veldig mye.
Det forrige kurset paa et lignende tema i 1994 var meget vellykket.
Jens Balchen vil vaere en av foredragsholderne.


%From: Ridvan Berber <berber@cwchme.echem.cwru.edu>
Subject: CAST: NATO ASI on Nonlinear Model Based Control - 1997



Nonlinear Model Based Process Control

10-20 August 1997
Antalya, Turkey

Sponsored by



In the internationally harder competitive atmosphere of today, it is
recognized that the desired, and constantly changing, performance
objectives can be achieved through the use of improved control methods.
With tighter constraints on product quality, environmental regulations
and energy utilization, there is now a growing need for on-line control
algorithms for nonlinear processes.

As processes in chemical industries are being operated over a wider
range of conditions compared to the past, the difficulties in using
controllers based on a local linear model obtained for a single
operating point are aggravated. Adding also the fact that most of the
chemical processes are nonlinear in nature, this trend stresses the
growing need for consideration of process nonlinearities in the control
algorithms. Under these conditions, it is expected that great contribution
to quality, product consistency and profitability can be achieved through
improved nonlinear control methods. In parallel to industrial demand and
significant developments in constrained model based control, some
difficult, long-standing issues of nonlinear process control have been
tackled in the academia and some new methods have been developed.

This ASI is a continuation of the previous one which was held in
August 1994 in Antalya on Methods of Model Based Process Control in a
more general context, where the contributions and discussions
convincingly showed that industrial process control would increasingly
rely on nonlinear model based control systems. Therefore, this ASI
intends to review in depth and in a global way the state-of-the-art in
nonlinear model based control. Some of the world leading scientists and
acknowledged industrial experts will summarize the recent developments
in this challenging field so as to disseminate the technology. This will
ultimately motivate the applications of the developed methods and will
contribute to opening new frontiers in research directions.


Prof. Ridvan Berber (Director) (Ankara Un. TR)
Prof. Costas Kravaris (Co-director) (Un. Michigan-Ann Arbor, USA)
Prof. Yaman Arkun (Georgia Tech., USA)
Prof. Wolfgang Marquardt (RWTH- Aachen, D)

In addition to the Organizing Committee Members)

Frank ALLGOWER E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Wilmington, U.S.A.
Jens G. BALCHEN University of Trondheim, NORWAY
B. Wayne BEQUETTE Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute- Troy, U.S.A.
Coleman B. BROSILOW Case Western Reserve University - Cleveland, U.S.A.
Prodromos DAOUTIDIS University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, U.S.A.
Denis DOCHAIN Universite Catholique de Louvain, BELGIUM
Ferhan KAYIHAN Weyerhaeuser Co. Tacoma, U.S.A.
P. J. McLELLAN Queen's University, CANADA
Ahmet PALAZOGLU Univ. of California Davis, U.S.A.
John PERKINS Imperial College, London, UK
George STEPHANOPOULOS MIT - Massachusetts, U.S.A.


The state-of-the-art in nonlinear model based control will be reviewed
in depth and in a global way. A broad range of topics under the heading
ranging from fundamental understanding to the challenging issues of
incomplete process knowledge, first principles based modeling with
nonlinear structure and parameter identification to robust control will
be covered by leading scientists who have actually created the scientific
profile. Experience related with the application and implementation of
developed techniques will also be reported by industrial experts from north
America and Europe. Some of the lecture titles are as follows:

* Nonlinear model predictive control, overview
* Nonlinear PID controllers
* Nonlinear process identification and state estimation
* Geometric methods of nonlinear process control
* Newton-type controllers for nonlinear processes
* Regularization and control of nonlinear DAE systems
* Control of multivariable two-time-scale nonlinear systems
with disturbances
* Constraint handling and stability issues in nonlinear control
* Accommodating parametric uncertainty in nonlinear processes
* Nonlinear adaptive control
* Nonlinear control applications in batch/biochemical reactors,
pulp and paper processes, film and sheet forming

* Demo session : Model Predictive Control Software

* Discussion panel : Future Directions in Nonlinear Control


The Institute will be held at Falez Hotel, Antalya a principal
resort city on the Turkish Riviera. Falez, a five-star delux
hotel, is located on top of a rocky plateau overlooking the beach
of Antalya. It is directly alongside the Archeological Museum and
within 15 minutes walking distance along the coast to downtown
and marina. There are frequent flights from Istanbul, Ankara and
some West European cities to Antalya airport. Falez Hotel is
about 15 km from the airport. The weather is expected to be warm
but the meeting hotel is well equipped with air conditioning.
For those interested in scenery and historical remains there are
plenty of sites to visit in the surrounding area.


Very limited number of paper contributions to fit the topics outlined
above are invited. Contributions particularly on industrial application
and implementation of nonlinear model based process control, and also
from the industrial sector are encouraged. Those participants who would
like to contribute should submit draft papers or at least a two page
long extended abstract to Prof. R. Berber by March 14, 1997. Authors
will be notified of the preliminary acceptance by April 11. There will
also be a poster session. Full length papers are due May 30, 1997.
Proceedings will be published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in an
edited volume in NATO ASI Series. Each participant will receive a
copy of the book free of charge in due course.


NATO ASI is a high level teaching activity mainly addressing
post-doctoral level. However, graduate students leading to a
Ph. D. degree are encouraged to apply provided that they will justify
their interest and involvement in nonlinear model based process control
preferably by a letter of recommendation from their supervisors or from
a senior scientist.

Except for the participants coming from industry, there is no
registration fee. The total cost of full board accommodation is
estimated to be US$ 600 for single occupancy and 500 for double
occupancy for the full duration of the Institute.

*** Financial support will be available to qualified participants
*** to cover part of their living expenses.

Requests for financial aid must be specified and
justified in the letter of application. Those from Greece, Portugal
and Turkey may be able to get additional support from their national
NATO agencies through the Director of the Institute.

Since participation
is limited, those interested are invited to apply to the ASI Director as
soon as possible but no later than March 14, 1997. Decisions on admission
and financial support will be revealed by April 11, 1997.

For Correspondence :

Prof. Dr. Ridvan Berber
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Ankara
Tandogan, 06100 Ankara - Turkey
Tel : 90- 312- 221 2425 Fax: 90- 312- 223 2395
E-mail: berber@science.ankara.edu.tr

Prof. Berber will be in the United States between September 1, 1996
and January 15, 1997 at the following address:

Department of Chemical Engineering
Case Western Reserve University
10900 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland OH 44106-7217

Tel. : 1-216- 368 4182
Fax : 1-216- 368 3016
E-mail: berber@cwchme.echem.cwru.edu