3rd IFAC Workshop on AI/KBS Systems in Process Control (May 97)

Sigurd Skogestad ((no email))
Mon, 9 Sep 1996 18:12:16 +0200

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Date: Mon, 9 Sep 1996 11:36:46 +200
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Subject: AIKBS97

First Announcement and Call for Papers

International Federation of Automatic Control

3rd IFAC Workshop on
Computer Software Structures
Integrating AI/KBS Systems
in Process Control

May 22-23, 1997
Budapest, Hungary

Organized by
Computer and Automation Research Institute,
Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Sponsored by
IFAC Technical Committee on
Chemical Process Control


K.M. Hangos (H) Chair
K.-E. Arzen (S)
F. Cellier (USA)
M. Fjeld (N)
I. Hashimoto (J)
S. B. Jorgensen (DK)
D. Juricic (SLO)
B. Kuipers (USA)
P.L. Lee (AUS)
R. Leitch (UK)
M. Lind (DK)
W. Marquardt (D)
T. McAvoy (USA)
G. Peceli (H)
M.G. Rodd (UK)
G. Stephanopoluos (USA)
A. Van Cauwenberghe (B)
T. Vamos (H)
H.B. Verbruggen (NL)


I. Gal (Chairman)
Cs. Banyasz
A. Markus
J. Vancza


The Workshop will take place in the AGRO Hotel located on the Svab
Hill, one of the most scenic parts of Buda, about ten kilometres from
Downtown Pest.


Submission of draft papers November 15, 1996

Notification of acceptance January 15, 1997

Receipt of camera ready
manuscripts March 15, 1997

Computer and Automation Research Institute , HAS
H-1518 Budapest, P.O.B. 63, Hungary
Phone: +361 161 3442; +361 181 0511
Fax: +361 186 9378; +361 166 7503
E-mail: sos@sztaki.hu


The aim of the workshop is to get an overview of
+ where the leading edge is in the integration of AI/KBS systems in
real-time process control + what the primary challenges are to future
advances + how computer science, process control and related
technologies can contribute to these advances

The development of artificial intelligence (AI) and knowledge-based
systems (KBS) has created a strong interest in applying these
technologies to process control. The workshop will focus on solutions
that meet the combined needs of real-time operations, data
synchronization and execution speed while satisfying control systems
functionality and integration constraints. New practical and
theoretical avenues (in architectures, languages, executives) that
provide the basis for effective coexistence of, and execution of
real-time and knowledge-based modules in modern process control
systems are among the topics of interest.


+ the role of AI/KBS systems in the supervision, management and
control of industrial processes + software architectures and languages
for joint applications of expert systems and process control
algorithms, possibly high performance and time critical + synchronous
communication and real-time needs in control systems incorporating
AI/KBS + object-oriented structures: AI/KBS versus traditional
software systems in process control + issues in hardware and software
integration + issues in knowledge acquisition and representation for
process control + augmenting human decision making + the hardware
technology base for integrated systems: neural networks and other new
avenues + management issues (cost&economy, implementation, project
management) + process control applications of real-time expert
systems, neural networks and fuzzy logic + process modelling for
intelligent control purposes


Prospective authors are invited to submit 3 copies of the full draft
paper of at most 15 A4 size pages, headed with paper title, names and
affiliations of all authors and the complete mailing address (with fax
and e-mail) of the corresponding author. Papers must include a 200
word abstract and five keywords, and should be received by the
Workshop Secretariat no later than November 15, 1996. Accepted papers
will appear in the Preprints.


The material submitted for presentation at an IFAC workshop must be
original, not published or being considered elsewhere. All papers
accepted for presentation will appear in the Preprints of the workshop
and will be distributed to the participants. Papers duly presented
will be archived and offered for sale in the form of Postprint volumes
by Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, UK. The presented papers will be
further screened for possible publication in the IFAC journals
Automatica and Control Engineering Practice, or in other, IFAC
affiliated journals. All papers presented will be recorded in Control
Engineering Practice.

Copyright of material presented at an IFAC workshop is held by IFAC.
Authors will be sent a copyright transfer form. Automatica, Control
Engineering Practice and, after these, IFAC affiliated journals have
priority access to all contributions presented. However, if the author
is not contacted by an editor of these journals within three months
after the workshop, the author is free to re-submit the material for
publication elsewhere. In this case, the paper must carry a reference
to the IFAC workshop where it was originally presented. Authors in any
doubt should consult the detailed IFAC Copyright conditions available
from the IFAC Secretariat.
Eva Sos
Conference Department
H-1111 Budapest
Kende u. 13-17


E-mail: sos@sztaki.hu
Fax: +361 186 9378
Phone: +361 161 3442