Utvekslingsmulighter CAPE-OPEN (fwd)

Sigurd Skogestad ((no email))
Tue, 20 Aug 1996 17:19:03 +0200

%From sender-cast10@bevo.che.wisc.edu Tue Aug 20 16:13:13 1996
From: Bertrand.BRAUNSCHWEIG@ifp.fr (Bertrand Braunschweig)
Message-Id: <199608200745.JAA07558@irsun21.ifp.fr>
To: cast10@bevo.che.wisc.edu
Subject: CAST: for announcement in the CAST10 email list
Sender: owner-cast10@bevo.che.wisc.edu
Status: R

NOTE: Past postings on the CAST10 Email List are archived on the
World Wide Web at http://www.che.wisc.edu/cast10


The Cape-Open project, an EC-supported project under the Brite-EuRam
framework, is looking for young researchers wanting to spend from six
months to 2 years within an industrial context. They will apply for
"Brite-Euram Research Training Grants" with one of the industrial
partners of the project. There are partners in France, Germany, Great
Britain and Spain. The researcher will both collaborate to the project
and receive training from the host institution.

CAPE-OPEN : Computer-Aided Process Engineering. Open Simulation Environment
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The advent of new computing techniques (especially object-orientation)
has resulted in process simulation technology embarking on its most
rapid period of change for over 20 years. The promise of the new
technology for user companies is that they will be able more easily to
interface external models to any compliant simulator without the
overhead of writing and maintaining a specific interface for each
simulator. They will also be able to replace selectively elements
within models that exist in the standard libraries of a simulation
package. However these benefits will not be realised unless there is
some measure of consistency about the implementation of these
techniques within the industry.

The goal of the CAPE-OPEN project is to help define requirements for
open system communication for key process simulation elements,
demonstrate the effectiveness of the open system, disseminate the
results widely and so promote adoption of a common open structure by
the major providers and users of process simulation. The project
encourages the "component" software approach, which enables a complete
simulation to be assembled using software components from a variety of
sources, including new niche suppliers who currently have very limited
access to the market.

To be effective, the standards must be applicable to a wide range of
chemicals and process operations. The systems to be handled range
from single phase mixtures of defined chemicals, through multi-phase
mixtures and mixtures characterised by pseudo-components, to polymers
where data such as chain length and cross-link distribution may be
needed, plus all the plant involved in processing them. No single
commercial simulator provides all the facilities needed to handle this
diversity and so the operating companies see a continuing need for
specific in-house or third-party packages to plug the gaps. The
ability to integrate these packages into commercial simulators quickly
and easily will provide large benefits.

Brite-Euram Research Training Grants
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These grants can be obtained for young european researchers who spend
between 6 months and two years with an industrial partner of a
Brite-Euram project. We accept PhD students, post-docs or young
scientists (less than 35), and even experienced ones. The host
institute must not be situated in the applicant's country of
nationality. The amounts vary with the countries. They are in the
range of 1000-2000 ECUs per month plus some travel allowances.

There is a lot of information obtainable from http://www.cordis.lu on
these grants. The deadline for the current call is September
6th. There will be another deadline early next year. You may apply
now, but the contract will not be signed before the Brite-Euram
project starts, in January 1997.

- --------

Send (by fax or email, email preferred) an application letter, your
curriculum (3 pages maximum), the summary of your past and current
research work and possibly recommendation letters from two supervisors
to the following address:

Bertrand Braunschweig
Institut Francais du Petrole
BP 311
92506 Rueil Malmaison Cedex
Fax (33) 1 47 52 70 22
email Bertrand.Braunschweig@ifp.fr

An application by email will facilitate the distribution of your
application to the 10 industrial partners involved in the project.