CAST: CFP: Invited sessions on Chemical Process Control for ECC'97

Frank Allgower (
Sun, 9 Jun 96 18:37:25 EDT

NOTE: Past postings on the CAST10 Email List are archived on the
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Invited session(s) on CHEMICAL PROCESS CONTROL

July 1-4, 1997
Brussels, Belgium

The European Control Conference (ECC) is an event that is organized every
two years, with the aim to stimulate contacts between scientists active in
the area of Systems and Control. The first three conferences took place in
Grenoble (1991), Groningen (1993) and Rome (1995). The fourth ECC will be
held in Brussels in 1997.
The scope of the conference includes all aspects of Systems and Control,
and ranges from subjects within the framework of fundamental research to
engineering applications. Topics of interest include multivariable and
nonlinear control, system modeling, system identification, adaptive control,
optimal control, filtering, robotics, aerospace systems, neural networks
applied to control, and control of chemical processes.

As for ECC'93 and ECC'95 we again plan to set on foot one or two invited
sessions on Chemical Process Control for ECC'97.
Papers are solicited which address theoretical and application problems
associated with chemical process control. Topics may include, but are not
limited to process monitoring and control, nonlinear and robust control,
modelling and identification, batch process control and discrete event
systems, bio process control, and process control applications.

Similar to ACC customs, a final approval of the invited sessions can only be
given after the ECC Program Advisory Committee has met in early 1997.

August 1, 1996 Submit *full paper* to session organizers
August 15, 1996 Authors notified of acceptance to invited sessions
September 1, 1996 Rejected papers can be re-submitted as contributed
papers to the ECC Secretariat
February 1, 1997 Definite notification about approval of invited
April 1, 1996 Submit final manuscript
July 1-4, 1997 ECC'97 in Brussels, Belgium

# Unlike in previous years *FULL PAPERS* are required already in August.
Abstracts or extended abstracts cannot be accepted! This general rule
applies to all invited sessions for ECC'97.

# Our deadline for submitting papers for the invited session is ONE MONTH
PRIOR to the deadline to submit contributed papers. This will make sure
that papers that we cannot accomodate in the invited session(s) can still
be submitted to the ECC Secretariat as contributed paper before the
official September 1 deadline.

Please submit a 6 page/two column FULL PAPER by August 1, 1996 by email,
mail or facsimile to both session organizers:

Frank Allgower Denis Dochain
The DuPont Company CESAME
Experimental Station E1/214B Universite Catholique de Louvain
Wilmington, DE 19808 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
USA Belgium

fax: +1-302-6952645 +32-10-478667
phone: +1-302-6958747 +32-10-472378



Frank Allgower Advanced Process Control & Optimization Group
E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co
Experimental Station E1/214B
tel. +1-302-695-8747 Wilmington, DE 19880-0101
fax. +1-302-695-2645 USA


!!! New address (from November'96 on): !!!
Institut fur Automatik Tel. +41-1-632-3557
ETH Zentrum Fax. +41-1-632-1211
CH-8092 Switzerland email.
