Sigurd Skogestad ((no email))
Mon, 10 Jun 1996 15:31:16 +0200


Konferansen SIMS'96 arrangeres 11-13. juni paa Royal Electric Garden (Elektro).

Det er OK aa komme og see paa enkeltforedrag selv om man ikke er paameldt.

Programmet kan du finne paa

men jeg har ogsaa tatt det med under.

Hilsen Sigurd.


Tuesday, June 11</B></CENTER>
<P>9:00 Welcome<BR>
9:10 Invited paper:<BR>
Systems Engineering - Principles and Practices O.A.Asbj&oslash;rnsen, NTNU<BR>
9:40 Invited paper:<BR>
Molecular Interpretation of Heat- and Mass Transport Across A Gas/Liquid
B.Hafskjold, NTNU<BR>
10:10 Coffee break<BR>

10:30 CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) - An Engineering Tool? <BR>
B.E.Vembe and E.W.M.Hansen, SINTEF<BR>
11:00 CFD Simulations of Hydrogen Gas Discharge From a Fork-Lift Truck Charging
&Oslash;.Strand and K.Skogen, Aker Engineering<BR>
11:30 3D-Simulation of a Flow in a Water Jet Inlet <BR>
M.Oledal and A.&Ouml;stman, NTNU<BR>
12:00 Fluid Flow in Porous Media<BR>
J.Bakken, E.N&aelig;ss, T.Engebretsen and E.W.M.Hansen, SINTEF<BR>
<B>Session 2<BR>
10:30 Control, Operator Support and Safety System of PVC-Reactors <BR>
J.I.Ytreeide, O.Aaker and V.Kristoffersen, Telemark College, G.Moe and C.Naustdal,
Norsk Hydro <BR>
11:00 Model Predictive Control and Real-time Optimisation of a Cat Cracker
S.Strand and L.H.Veland, Statoil<BR>
11:30 Modelling and Simulation of a HVAC System <BR>
B.R.S&oslash;rensen, Narvik Institute of Technology <BR>
12:00 On-line Support in Accident Situations using Simulation <BR>
T.Bj&oslash;rlo and A.S&oslash;rensen, IFE Halden<BR>
12:30 Lunch<BR>
13:30 MATRIXx, a Family of Products for Dynamic Simulation and Control System
J.Dyberg, and U.Grimbergsson, Integrated Systems <BR>
14:30 Coffee break<BR>
15:00 A Real World Case Study: MATLAB/SIMULINK Comes Through in the Clutch
L.Dean, The MathWorks. Inc.<BR>
19:00 Get Together<BR>
<P><CENTER><B>Wednesday, June 12</B></CENTER>
<P>9:00 Invited paper:<BR>
Simulation and Visualization of Coupled Hydro-dynamical, Chemical and Biological
D.Slagstad, SINTEF<BR>
<B>Session 1b<BR>
9:35 Multi-Phase Flow Simulations, a Key Element in Planning Safe Well Control
O.B.Rygg, Well Flow Dynamics AS<BR>
10:05 Coffee break<BR>
10:30 Performance of Oil/Water Gravity Separators imposed to Motion <BR>
E.W.M.Hansen, SINTEF<BR>
11:00 On the Thermodynamic Modeling of Metallurgical Processes <BR>
L.Kolbeinsen, SINTEF and J.K.Tuset, NTNU <BR>
11:30 Applications of Computational Fluid Dynamics in Optimisation and Design
of Metallurgical Processes<BR>
S.T.Johansen and L.Kolbeinsen, SINTEF<BR>
12:00 Lunch<BR>
13:00 Modeling and Simulation of Phase Equlibrium in Dynamic Systems <BR>
T.Dahl, A.Hashemi-Ahmady and B.Lie, Telemark College <BR>
13:30 Dynamic Simulations of Multiphase Flow, Depressurizing of Oil/Gas
Pipe Lines<BR>
M.Nordsveen and A.H&aelig;rding, IFE Kjeller<BR>
14:00 On the Use of Linearized Thermodynamics in Dynamic Simulation <BR>
T.Haug-Warberg, Norsk Hydro and T.Sivertsen, Simrad <BR>
<B>Session 3<BR>
9:35 Volume Rendering: Methods and Applications <BR>
J.Asplin, SINTEF<BR>
10:05 Coffee break<BR>
10:30 Quality Improvement of Numerical Simulations by Use of Experimental
O.Samset and T.Kvamsdal, SINTEF<BR>
11:00 A Comparative Analysis of Numerical Methods for Solving Systems of
Nonlinear Algebraic Equations<BR>
A.C.Christiansen, J.Morud and S.Skogestad, NTNU <BR>
11:30 Simulation of Ordinary Differential Equations on Manifolds <BR>
A.Marthinsen, H.Munthe-Kaas and B.Owren, NTNU <BR>
12:00 Lunch<BR>
13:00 Model Definition Using Multiple Realizations - Case Studies in Omola
J.A.S&oslash;rlie, KTH<BR>
13:30 A Multipurpose Simulator for Oil Production Processes <BR>
O.&Oslash;g&aring;rd, SINTEF<BR>
14:00 Design Sensitivities by The Adjoint Variable Method in Nonlinear Structural
S.Trier, A.Marthinsen and O.I.Sivertsen, NTNU 14:30 Coffee break<BR>
15:00 The New ACSL Environment<BR>
O.S&oslash;rensen and A.Goucem, Rapid Data<BR>
19:00 Conference Dinner <BR>
<P><CENTER><B>Thursday, June 13</B></CENTER>
<P>9:00 Invited paper:<BR>
Process modelling of Chemical Reactors: Zero- versus Multi-dimensional Models
B.Hjertager, Telemark College<BR>
9:30 Invited paper:<BR>
Product Development Based on 3D Modelling and Simulation Tools <BR>
T.R&oslash;lv&aring;g, SINTEF<BR>
10:00 Coffee break<BR>
<B>Session 4<BR>
10:25 Design and Simulation of Mechatronic Systems <BR>
H.P.Hildre, NTNU<BR>
11:00 A Foundation for a Graphical Mechanism Modeller for the Multibody
Simulation Tool FEDEM<BR>
11:30 Identification of Vibration Modes in a Spacecraft using Nonparametric
and Parametric Methods<BR>
Aa.Skullestad, Kongsberg College of Engineering <BR>
12:00 Error Estimation and Adaptivity in Structural Mechanics <BR>
T.Kvamsdal, SINTEF and K.M.Okstad, NTNU<BR>
12:30 A Parallel Version of the Combined Multibody, Control and Structural
Dynamic Simulation Code FEDEM<BR>
A.Marthinsen, SINTEF and O.I.Sivertsen, NTNU <BR>
<B>Session 5<BR>
11:00 Integrating Main Components of a Paper Mill to a Power Plant Simulator
K.Eklund, Imatran Voima Oy<BR>
11:30 Computerised Analysis of a Pneumatic Actuator <BR>
M.Grahl-Madsen, NTNU<BR>
12:00 Real Time Simulation of a VCM Cracking and Separation Plant <BR>
P.Lundstr&ouml;m, Norcontrol and T.Sira, IFE<BR>
12:30 Dynamic Simulation - Requirements to Topside Flowsheet Simulators
Based on Experiences from the Njord Simulator<BR>
H.M.Kvamsdal, Aker Engineering and T.Sivertsen, Simrad <BR>
13:00 Lunch<BR>
14:00 SIMS Annual Meeting<BR>