Reaktiv separasjon seminar i Helsinki

Kristian Lien ((no email))
Wed, 15 May 1996 13:50:02 +0200

From mhurme@SAMPO.HUT.FI Mon May 13 13:14:04 1996
Subject: reactive separations again..



Date: June 6th - 7th, 1996
Place: Helsinki University of Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering
Kemistintie 1, Otaniemi, Finland

Organizing Committee:
Juhani Aittamaa (Neste Oy)
Rafigul Gani (DTU)
Markku Hurme (HUT)
Kristian Lien (NTH)

6th JUNE

13.00 Registration desk opens

14.00 Welcome to HUT

14.15 Computation and design:

Rafiqul Gani (DTU):
A New Algorithm for Computation of Simultaneous Chemical
and Physical Equilibria and Reactive Phase Diagrams.

E. Perez-Cisneros (DTU):
An Elemental Balance Approach to Design and Analysis of
Reactive Separation Systems.

15.00 Coffee

15.15 Computation and design continues:

S. Hauan, K.M. Lien (NTH):
Can Design of Reactive Distillation Be Made Easier by Use of
a New, Simple Graphical Representation ?

J. Tanskanen, V.J. Pohjola (U of Oulu):
The Effect of Heat of Reaction in Multicomponent Catalytic

16.00 Sightseeing in Otaniemi and walk to Otaniemi harbour

16.50 Water bus to Helsinki

18.00 Sightseeing in Helsinki

19.00 Dinner

7th JUNE

9.15 Mass transfer issues:

S. Pelkonen (Univ. Dortmund):
Mass Transfer in Structured Packings

L. Kreul (Univ. Dortmund):
Modelling of Reactive Distillation in a Packed Column

10.00 Coffee

10.15 Mass transfer issues continue:

K. Jakobsson (HUT):
Development of a Rate-Based Stationary State Reactive
Distillation Model

J. Ilme (LUT):
Multicomponent Distillation Efficiences

11.00 Break

11.15 Packing arrangements:

A. Pyh„lahti (HUT):
Bench Scale Experiments of Reactive Distillation

K. Klemola, K. Jakobsson, A. Pyh„lahti (HUT):
Optimal Catalytic Distillation Packing Arrangement for the
Production of Ethers - Structure and Design

12.00 Lunch

13.15 Etherifications:

N.N. (Neste Oy):
Nextame Process Development

Juha Linnekoski (HUT):
Kinetics and Thermodynamics of TAEE Formation

P„ivi Kiviranta-P„„kk”nen (HUT):
Kinetics of Etherification Reactions

14.30 Coffee

14.45 Other processes:

Juha Lehtonen / Tapio Salmi (ŹA):
Modelling of Simultaneous Reaction and Separation in the
Production of Fine Chemicals

Marjaana Hautaniemi, Juha Kallas (LUT):
Modelling of Water Treatment by Chemical Oxidation

15.30 Closing of the seminar


NOK 1000 for industrial participants
NOK 400 for university staff and students
No fee for participants giving an oral presentation or those
belonging to the Nordic Petroleum Technology Program.

Seminar fee includes: Lunch, coffee, dinner and proceedings.
Payments should be made to the account of
Energiforskningen, Postboks 234, N-1430 Źs.


1) Fokus Bank As, PB 9525, Egertorget, N-0128 Oslo, Norge
acc. 81200507568, SWIFT FOKBN022OSL
2) Postbank,
post giro acc. 08084610101, SWIFT PGINNOKK
Payments in NOK's please.


Name: _______________________________________________
Title: ______________________________________________
Company: ____________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
Telephone: __________________________________________
Fax: ________________________________________________
E-mail: _____________________________________________

I will participate seminar dinner on 6th June: YES / NO
Special diet (which: _______________) requested: YES / NO

The registration should be sent to (before June 1st):
TKK/C, Markku Hurme, Kemistintie 1M, FIN-02150 Espoo, Finland
Fax. 358-0-462 373
E-mail: markku.hurme


Due to several events in Helsinki during the seminar time the
hotel situation is tight. Accordingly the participants are re-
commended to make their room reservation as soon as possible.

Hotel Helka, Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 23 (in Helsinki City close
to bus station). Some single rooms available at FIM 480 (weekend
rate FIM 360). Fax 358-0-441 087.

Hotelli Kuninkaantie (in Espoo City center). Direct (slow) bus
to Otaniemi, direct train connection to Helsinki City. Single
rooms at FIM 420 (weekend rate FIM 300). Also double rooms avai-
lable. Fax 358-0-8057848.

Hotel Tapiola Garden (in Tapiola Center 1.5 km from Otaniemi).
Single rooms at list price FIM 670 (weekend FIM 390). Double
rooms FIM 860 (weekend FIM 465). (A price reduction from these
list prices is available till 29th May by mentioning the offer
to M.Hurme). Fax 358-0-462332.

Hotel reservation center (for all metropolitan area hotels):
Phone 358-0-171133, Fax. 358-0-175524.