AIChE meeting 11-15 Nov. 96 in Chicago - Control sessions

Sigurd Skogestad ((no email))
Tue, 30 Jan 1996 10:03:46 +0100

%From Thu Dec 21 17:23:00 1995
Subject: AIChE Chicago '96: Calls for Papers for CAST 10a

NOTE: Past postings on the CAST10 Email List are archived on the
World Wide Web with URL

*Date: Wed, 20 Dec 1995 17:26:25 -0600
*From: Jim Rawlings, Area 10b chairman

Listed below are all the area 10b sessions for the fall 1996 AIChE
meeting in Chicago. Session chairmen are encouraged to submit more
detailed calls for papers for their sessions. You can send these to
Jeff Kantor for posting and archival (

Please submit abstracts as instructed at the end of this message. We
should now have one consistent set of abstract submission intructions
for all of area 10. John Eaton has updated the PTP forms so that you
can submit a 3 page extended abstract for review and posting on the
WWW. AIChE will no longer offer a one page printed abstract booklet
for sale at the meeting.

Area 10b: Systems and Process Control

1. Nonlinear Control. Francis J. Doyle (Chair), School of Chemical
Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN 47907-1283, 317-
494-9472, 317-494-0805 (FAX), and Yaman Arkun
(Co-Chair), School of Chemical Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0100, 404-894-2871, 404-894-2866

2. Advances in Process Control. Oscar D. Crisalle (Chair), Department
of Chemical Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
32611-6005, 904-392-5120, 904-392-9513 (FAX), crisalle@bitrun.che. and M. Nazmul Karim (Co-Chair), Department of Chemical and
Biosource Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO
80523, 303-491-5252, 303-491-7369 (FAX), karim@longs.lance.

3. Applications of Process Control. Jorge A. Mandler (Chair), Air
Products and Chemicals, Inc., 7201 Hamilton Blvd., Allentown, PA
18195-1501, 610-481-3413, 610-481-2446 (FAX), mandleja@ttown.apci.
com and Thomas A. Badgwell (Co-Chair), Department of Chemical
Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX 77251-1892, 713-527-4902,
713-285-5478 (FAX),

4. Integrated Estimation and Control. Fred Ramirez (Chair), Department
of Chemical Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-
0424, 303-492-8660, 303-492-4341 (FAX),
and Michael A. Henson (Co-Chair), Department of Chemical Engineer-
ing, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-7303, 504-
388-3690, 504-388-1476 (FAX),

5. Plantwide and Decentralized Control. Richard D. Braatz (Chair),
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana,
IL 61801-3792, 217-333-5073, 217-244-8068 (FAX), braatz@mozart.scs. and S. Joe Qin (Co-Chair), Fisher-Rosemont Systems, Inc.,
1712 Center Creek Drive, Austin, TX 78754, 512-832-3635, 512-834-
7200 (FAX),

6. Process Performance Monitoring. George N. Charos (Chair), Amoco
Corporation, 3700 Bay Area Blvd., Houston, TX 77058, 713-212-7178,
713-212-1614 (FAX), and Masoud Soroush (Co-Chair),
Department of Chemical Engineering, Drexel University, Philadelphia,
PA 19104, 215-895-1710, 215-895-5837 (FAX), masoud.soroush@coe.

Joint Area 10b and Area 10c Session

1. On-Line Optimization for Control. Karlene A. Kosanovich (Chair),
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of South Carolina,
Columbia, SC 29208, 803-777-0143, 803-777-8265 (FAX), kosanoka@sun. Iauw-Bhieng Tjoa (Co-Chair), Mitsubishi Chemical
Corporation, 3-10, Ushiodori, Kurashiki, Okayama 712, JAPAN, 81-
086-457-2807, 81-086-457-2027 (FAX),

Joint Area 10b and Area 8f Session

1. Modeling, Monitoring, and Control of Materials/Polymers
Manufacturing. Sheyla L. Rivera (Chair), Department of Chemical
Sciences and Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken,
NJ 07030, 201-216-5543, 201-216-8240 (FAX), srivera@teton.cmem. and Richard Parnas (Co-Chair), National Institute
of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899-0001, 301-975-
5805, 301-869-3239 (FAX),

Submissions (Deadline: March 1, 1996 for CAST sessions; otherwise as noted)

Please send the following to the AREA CHAIR, with copies to the Chair
and Co-chair of the session you think is most appropriate for your

1. An Extended Abstract of approximately 550 words, and up to 3 pages, which
will be reviewed as described below. AIChE has discontinued the printed
abstract booklet. In its place, the area chairs will attempt to post the
extended abstracts of accepted papers on the World Wide Web for browsing
before the meeting.

2. Professional affiliations and full contact information including postal
address, phone, fax and E-mail for all authors.

3. Indicate the speaker.

4. Indicate if this paper is submitted for presentation at another session
in this meeting or elsewhere.

5. This extended abstract should be submitted to Area Chair as follows

(a) Using the electronic PTP form and LaTeX, available by anonymous
ftp from in the pub/tex/aiche directory. This method
is preferred because it will allow automatic preparation of the
abstracts for the WWW. All of the information in steps 1.-5. are
supported with this electronic form. The form is being updated now
from the one page limit of previous meetings. The README file will
tell you if the files you ftp are good for 1996.

(b) A flat ascii file containing the information in 1.-5. Email is
preferred, but this file can also be submitted via postal mail on a
floppy. We will have to process this information by hand to put it on
the WWW.

(c) A postal mailing of the information in 1.-5. on paper. If you go
this route, we will accept your abstract for review, but we cannot
guarantee that we will be able to post your abstract on the WWW.

Centralized Review Procedure:

1. Extended abstracts will receive ANONYMOUS reviews by three or four
session chairs and/or co-chairs and/or the Area Chair and Vice-Chair, for
technical content, novelty and style. Submissions may be shifted between
sessions or other CAST areas as appropriate.

2. Each area will have the possibility of a poster session with a title to
be selected after the program is completed. The poster sessions may be
topical and the authors will not know if their submissions will be accepted
in the poster session or in an oral session until they receive notification
of acceptance.

3. Deadline: March 1, 1996. Authors submitting by the March 1 deadline will
be notified of decisions on acceptance on or about May 1, or as close to
this date as the schedules of the reviewers, the Meeting Program Chair, and
the AIChE permit.

4. By submitting an abstract, the authors agree to meeting all deadlines and
to furnish 60 paper copies of visual aids for the audience in oral
presentations. (This is a CAST policy, intended to improve the quality of
the presentations and the benefits for the audience).

5. Updates and revisions of this and other CAST information can be found on
the WWW server (

6. Special note: AIChE is preparing guidelines for submission of final CAST
abstracts in electronic form, since that seemed to work well at the Miami
meeting. This *might* mean some extra work for the authors of accepted
papers. The instructions will be posted on the WWW server listed above,
through the CAST E-mail list and in the sci.engr.chem newsgroup as soon as
they are available.

%From Mon Jan 22 16:12:39 1996
Subject: AIChE 96: CFP on Inverse Problems and Methods in Chem. Eng.


Annual Meeting of AIChE, Chicago, Illinois, November, 1996.

Area 10D

Co-Chairs :
Andrew N. Hrymak
Department of Chemical Engineering
McMaster University
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4L7
Tel. (905) 525-9140 Ext. 23136
Fax (905) 521-1350

B. Erik Ydstie
Department of Chemical Engineering
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
Tel. (412) 268-2235
Fax (412) 268-7139

Inverse Problems and Methods in Chemical Engineering

Many chemical engineering applications can be posed as inverse
problems. They may be ill-posed if the outputs do not depend
continuously on the input data. Applications of inverse methods include
parameter estimation and domain identification from overspecified
boundary data. Sources of models and data include partial differential
equations, multivariate statistical models, process data, physical
property measurements and imaging data. Common difficulties in solving
the inverse formulation include non-existent or non-unique solutions,
sensitivity of the output to the input conditions, and insufficient or
inaccurate data. This session seeks contributions which pose novel
inverse problem formulations, provide new developments into the
numerical solution or provide an analysis to explain difficulties in
the solution of inverse problem formulations.

Please submit camera-ready Abstract (Proposal to Present Form) and an
additional Extended Abstract for all Area 10D Sessions to the 1996 Area
10D Chair with a copy to one of the co-chairs listed above.

Area 10D Chair:
Hsueh-Chia Chang
Department of Chemical Engineering
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Tel 219-631-5697
Fax 219-631-8366

Proposal to Present deadline is March 1, 1996.

%From Mon Jan 29 19:57:25 1996
Subject: AIChE 96: Intelligent Systems for Process Operations


AIChE Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL
Nov 10-15, 1996

*** Abstract Deadline: March 1, 1996 ***

Intelligent Systems for Process Operations

Contributions are sought concerning all aspects of the construction
and use of intelligent systems in process operations including
automated problem solving, knowledge acquisition, knowledge
representation, machine learning, model-based reasoning, connectionist
models, neural networks, distributed AI architectures, practical
applications, expert systems, fuzzy logic and soft computing,
reasoning under uncertainty, genetic algorithms, heuristic searching,
intelligent databases, intelligent interfaces, tools, knowledge based
system (KBS) methodologies, and verification & validation of KBSs.

Ajay K. Modi (Chair)
Department of Chemical Engineering, Rm 66-363
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA 02139
617-253-6521 (TEL), 617-253-9695 (FAX),

James F. Davis (Co-Chair)
Department of Chemical Engineering
Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210-1180,
614-292-0090 (TEL), 614-292-3769 (FAX),

Submission Procedure

Two abstracts must be submitted, an extended abstract (which will be reviewed)
and a camera-ready abstract for use in the Meeting Abstract Booklet.

The extended abstract should follow the following format:

1. Approximately 550 words - it will be reviewed.

2. Professional affiliations and full contact information including postal
address, phone, fax and E-mail for all authors.

3. Indicate the speaker.

4. Indicate if this paper has been submitted for prsentation at another
session in this meeting or elswhere.

5. DEADLINE for receipt of abstract is March 1, 1996.

6. This abstract should be submitted to the Area Chair (Joseph Pekny),
preferably via email, at the address listed below. Also send email copies
of the extended abstact to the Chair (Ajay Modi) and Vice-Chair
(James Davis).

Joseph F. Pekny
School of Chemical Engineering
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1283

317-494-7901 (TEL)
317-494-0805 (FAX)

The camera-ready abstract should follow the following format:

1. An *original copy* of an abstract with title, authors, contact information
is needed for publication. This is a shortened version of the extended
abstract and there are 3 ways to submit this -

i. Using an AIChE "Proposal to Present" form which can be obtained from
the AIChE Meetings Department, 345 East 47 Street, New York, New York,
10017-2395. 212-705-7324, 212-752-3294 (fax).

ii. An electronic PTP form for use with LaTeX is available by anonymous
ftp from in the pub/tex/aiche directory.

iii. On a blank sheet of US letter size paper (8.5x11.5in), typed or
computer printed as follows:
- Margins: Top: 2.25in, Bottom: 1.75in, Left: 1.25in, Right:1.5in
- Typing Area: Width: 5.75in, Height: 7in
- Font: 12 point, Times Roman or other serif font.
- Layout: Title in Boldface type on top line; blank line; Authors,
affiliations and addresses; blank line; abstract.

2. DEADLINE also March 1, 1996.

3. Send it directly to the area Chair, Joseph Pekny. Send copies of this
abstract to the Chair (Ajay Modi) and Vice-Chair (James Davis) as well.