"Controllability analysis and plantwide control"




11-12 October 1999

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Trondheim, Norway




The course is initiated and sponsored by the Nordic Energy Research Program on Process Integration.


The course is offered to Ph.D. students in Nordic countries and other interested. By "other interested" we have mainly in mind participation from the industry in the Nordic countries. Several of the speakers participate in an European project (CAPE.NET) and the course is also a "technology transfer" event for this project.


The course consists of survey lectures as well as shorter lectures and special issues and case studies. The objective of the course is to give an overview of the area. The speakers are all recognized experts in their fields. We believe this should be a very worthwhile event to attend.

There may later be more specific and detailed courses on selected topics.


Organized by: PROST group, Department of Chemical Engineering, NTNU, N-7491 Trondheim


More information: Professor Sigurd Skogestad (




Preliminary program



Monday 11 Oct. 1999:


0900 Registration (Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi, Kjemiblokk 5, Gløshaugen, Trondheim)


0945 Welcome


1000 Survey lecture I:

"Controllability analysis and plantwide control (introduction)"

Sigurd Skogestad, NTNU, Norway


1130 Simple case studies and discussion


1200 Lunch


1245 Survey lecture II

"Effects of Process Integration on Dynamics and Control "

Elling W. Jacobsen, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden


1415 "Application of plantwide control to integrated plants with recycle"

Ivar Halvorsen and Truls Larsson, NTNU, Norway


1500 Break


1530-1700: Application:

"Practical strategies for plantwide control (using the Hysys simulator)"

David Clough, University of Colorado, USA


1700-1800: Other examples and discussion


1930: Dinner




Tuesday 12 Oct. 1999



0845 Survey lecture III:

"Plantwide control and optimization (with case studies) "

Sten Bay Jørgensen, DTU, Denmark


1030 Break


1045 "Control Structure Selection for Integral Control with Integrity"

Kurt-Erik Haggblom, Åbo Akademi, Finland


1130 "Matlab software for controllability analysis"

Truls Larsson and Marius Govatsmark, NTNU, Norway


1200 Lunch


1245 Survey lecture IV

"Use of data in a plantwide environment"

(including "On-line performance optimisation" and "Data reconciliation")

David Cameron. Norsk Hydro Research Center, Porsgrunn, Norway.


1430 Break


1445 Survey lecture V

"Performance monitoring of controllers in a plantwide environment"

M. Hovd, NTNU, Norway and Alf Isaksson, KTH, Sweden


1615 Summary


1630 End



All lectures will be in English, but the social events (dinner) may be in Nordic languages.




Travel support


Ph.D. students from Nordic Countries may apply for support for travel and hotel expenses by sending an application to (before 05 Sep 99):

Fagkollegiet for prosessintegrasjon



N-1432 Ås, Norge

Information: Børre-Henrik Børresen, ph. +47 6494 8430,





All participants should make their own hotel registrations. Two hotels where we can offer a good price are (single room with breakfast):


- Comfort Hotel Augustin. NOK 565 per night (please refer to "NTNU-avtale")

Ph. +47-7354-7000, Fax. +47-7354-7001


- Britannia Hotel. NOK 825 per night (please refer to "SINTEF-avtale")

Ph. +47-7353-5353, Fax. +47-7351-2900


Also see:




Ph.D. students from Nordic Countries: No registration fee

Others: Registration fee is NOK 3000 (including lunches and dinner)


Registration deadline: 05 Sep. 1999

(after this date: Add NOK 1000 to the registration fee for all participants including students)



Please send your registration (preferably by email) to:


Synnøve Hestnes (

Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NTNU

N-7491 Trondheim, Norway

Phone: +47 735 94030 (fax: +47 735 94080)


Please give your name, institution, address, email and phone.




Welcome to Trondheim!