
NOLCOS 2013 could not have been successfully organized without the support of many persons and structures that we would like to acknowledge.

A special thanks goes to the nine Area Chairs (F. Allgower, V. Andrieu, D. Angeli, A. Astolfi, Z.P. Jiang, D. Nesic, K. Schlacher, A. Serrani, and A.R. Teel) who scientifically promoted the Symposium and supervised, in an outstanding way, the demanding review activity in their respective areas.

We are also grateful to the IPC members for the scientific advice given in different phases of the organization, and to the NOC members for taking care of many logistic matters.

A special thanks goes also to the technical services of LAAS-CNRS, a CNRS research unit associated to the University of Toulouse, for their involvement in the organization of the Symposium.

We also acknowledge the fruitful collaboration of the Engineering School INP-ENSEEIHT, one of the seven members of the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, who hosts the Symposium and offers its technical support to the organization of NOLCOS 2013. Our acknowledgements are also for the public institutions for their financial support of the Symposium.


Christophe Prieur

NOLCOS 2013 IPC Chair

Lorenzo Marconi
NOLCOS 2013 IPC Co-Chair


Isabelle Queinnec

NOLCOS 2013 NOC Chair