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Characterization of Cerebral Blood Flow Oscillations using Different Classification Methods

Authors:Benyó Balázs, Szechenyi Istvan University, Hungary
Somogyi Péter, Budapest University of Technology and Ecomics, Hungary
Benyó Zoltán, Institute of Human Physiology, Hungary
Paláncz Béla, Budapest University of Technology and Ecomics, Hungary
Topic:8.2 Modelling & Control of Biomedical Systems
Session:Biomedical Engineering / Biomedical Signal Processing II
Keywords: Biomedical systems, Classification, Neural-network models, Radial base function networks, Support vector machine


Oscillation of the cerebral blood flow (CBF) is a common feature in several physiological or pathophysiological states of the brain. It is a promising opportunity to identify the disorders of the cerebral circulation based on the classification of CBF signals. Three classification models are developed with different heuristic in order to carry out the systematic classification based on a problem specific feature extraction. The efficiency of the selected classification methods are evaluated and compared.