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Experimental verification of stabilizing spline-based continuous-time model predictive control scheme with adaptation of terminal set

Authors:Rohal-Ilkiv Boris, Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Rusko Martin, Slovak University of Technology, Slovakia (Slovak Republic)
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Predictive Control: Implementation and Applications
Keywords: Predictive control, Constraints, Closed-loop stability, Splinefunctions


In this paper a continuous-time MPC problem is approached in asub-optimal way utilizing polynomial spline functions as the plantcontrol input signals and B-splines for approximation of thecontinuous-time performance index. The optimization is performedwith respect to a sequence of spline coefficients belonging topredicted control input profiles. The suggested solution enablesus continuous-time satisfaction of the plant signal constraints.Closed-loop stability is ensured through infinite horizonformulation by means of a terminal cost, a terminal constraintset, and a local controller. The presented scheme is appliedon-line, supporting adaptation of the terminal set and resultingalgorithm. The efficacy of the approach is illustrated through anexperimental verification on a laboratory scale system.