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Output Feedback Tracking Sliding Mode Control with Parallel Feedforward Compensator

Authors:Ohtsuka Hirofumi, Kumamoto National College of Technology, Japan
Iwai Zenta, Kumamoto University, Japan
Mizumoto Ikuro, Kumamoto University, Japan
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Sliding Mode Control I
Keywords: sliding mode control, tracking, output feedback, feedforward compensation, integral action, process control


A new design method of output feedback type tracking sliding mode control (SMC) is proposed in this paper. Stability of the control system and the tracking performance to the reference input are achieved by using the parallel feedforward compensator (PFC), which guarantees almost strict positive realness (ASPR) of the plant, and the so-called internal model. Effectiveness of the method is shown through an experimental liquid-level control of the process.