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A modelling system to assess the aerosol sensitivity to gas emissions

Authors:Decanini Edoardo, Servizio Ambiente, Provincia di Lucca, Italy
Volta Marialuisa, Università degli Studi di Brescia, Italy
Topic:8.3 Modelling & Control of Environmental Systems
Session:Modeling and Control of Environmental Systems
Keywords: Air pollution, Modelling system, Nonlinear systems, Sensitivity analysis, Mathematical models


In this paper the aerosol sensitivity to NOx, VOC, SO2 andNH3 gas emissions has been investigated over a complex domainin Northern Italy, including Milan metropolitan area. The analysishas been performed comparing eight simulations performed by theGas Aerosol Modelling Evaluation System (GAMES): the smog episodeoccurred in 1-5 June 1998, selected as reference case, and sevensimulations obtained feeding the modelling system with increasingor decreasing precursor emissions. The study evidences the roleplayed by the photochemical modelling systems in recognizing thephotochemical regimes and in providing a support for local AirQuality Authorities in selecting effective emission reductionstrategies.