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Auto-Tuning of Fractional Lead-Lag Compensator

Authors:Micharet Concha Monje, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
Vinagre Blas Manuel, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
Calderón Antonio José, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain
Feliu Vicente, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Chen YangQuan, Utah State University, United States
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Frequency Domain Design
Keywords: Controller automatic tuning, relay feedback test, fractional lead compensator, fractional PID controller, robust control.


In this paper, a method for auto-tuning of a fractional order lead-lag compensator using relay feedback tests is proposed. A design method forthis kind of compensators is discussed, based on the magnitude and phasemeasurement of the plant to be controlled from relay feedback tests at a frequencyof interest. Simple relationships among the parameters of this fractional controllerare established and specifications such as the static error constant, phasemargin and gain crossover frequency can be fulfilled, with a robustnessargument by inspecting the flatness of phase Bode plot of the compensator.The auto-tuning method proposed can be taken as a first step for a lattergeneralization of these lead-lag compensators to the fractional PID controllers.