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On-line pulp mill production optimization

Authors:Pettersson Jens, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden
Persson Ulf, ABB Automation Technology, Sweden
Lindberg Thomas, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden
Ledung Lars, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden
Zhang Xiaojing, ABB Corporate Research, Sweden
Topic:6.1 Chemical Process Control
Session:Industrial Applications of Process Control
Keywords: Production planning, state estimation, large-scale optimization, pulp and paper, differential algebraic equations, modelica


We consider the planning of pulp production for large sulphate and sulfite mills. The production planning problem is formulated as a non-linear program (NLP) given a process model of the mill as constraint. The objective is to minimize the usage of expensive chemicals and to minimize the (squared) deviation from specified set-points for selected variables, e.g. production, tank-level and chemical composition of the cooking liquor. The problem formulation also considers upper and lower limits on variables and limitations in the derivative of production related variables. The NLP, which involves several tens of thousands of variables, is solved using algorithms for large-scale optimization. To provide a correct initial state of the process model, a moving horizon estimation is done to estimate the current state of the process.