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A systematic inclusion of diagnosis performance in fault tree analysis

Authors:Åslund Jan, Linköping university, Sweden
Biteus Jonas, Linköping university, Sweden
Frisk Erik, Linköping university, Sweden
Krysander Mattias, Linköping university, Sweden
Nielsen Lars, Linköping university, Sweden
Topic:6.4 Safeprocess
Session:Safety and Structure Analysis for Fault Diagnosis/ Diagnosis of Hybrid and Discrete-Event Systems
Keywords: Safety analysis, redundancy analysis, threshold selection


Safety is of major concern in many applications such as in automotivesystems and aerospace. In these applications it is standard to usefault trees, and a natural question in many modern systems thatinclude sub-systems like diagnosis, fault tolerant control andautonomous functions, is how to include the performance of thesealgorithms in a fault tree analysis for safety. Many possibilitiesexist but here a systematic way is proposed. It is shown both howsafety can be analyzed and how the interplay between algorithm designin terms of missed detection rate and false alarm rate is included inthe fault tree analysis. Examples illustrate analysis of diagnosissystem requirement specification and algorithm tuning.