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Web-based Virtual Lab and Remote Experimentation using Easy Java Simulations

Authors:Dormido Bencomo Sebastián, UNED, Spain
Pastor Vargas Rafael, UNED, Spain
Sánchez Moreno José, UNED, Spain
Topic:9.4 Control Education
Session:Web-Based Technologies for Control Education
Keywords: Remote and virtual laboratories, control education, web-based simulations, teleoperation, Java simulations


This paper presents an ongoing schema to develop virtual models of physical setup equipment and their integration into the corresponding remote laboratory. For this task, we use Easy Java Simulations (Ejs), a tool that allows us to make a complete simulation model based on the physical laws of the setup. Ejs is also able to produce virtual views that are necessary for model user interaction. These virtual views can be used with the simulation or real plant data. Accordingly, a communication model between Ejs and real equipment has to be defined in order to work with the same view in virtual mode (simulation) or remote mode (real setup). An example of a servomotor setup will be presented showing the virtual views and the way of working in both modes.