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Predictive Control of Networked Systems with Random Delays

Authors:Liu Guoping, University of Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Xia Y, University of Glamorgan, China
Rees D, University of Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Topic:3.1 Computers for Control
Session:Networked Control Systems
Keywords: Networked control system, predictive control, random networkdelay, stability.


This paper is concerned with the design of networked controlsystems with random network delay in the forward and feedback channels and gives stability criteria of closed-loop networked predictive control systems. The principle of the predictor is adopted to overcome the effects of network delay. The necessary and sufficient conditions on the stability of the closed-loop networked control system are derived, which provide useful analytical stability criteria. It is shown that closed-loop networked predictivecontrol system with bounded random network delay is stable ifthe corresponding switched system is stable.