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Design and Development of an Adaptive Integrated Driver-vehicle Interface: Overview of the Aide Project

Authors:Amditis Angelos, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece
Andreone Luisa, Centro Ricerche Fiat, Italy
Polychronopoulos Aris, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, Greece
Engström Johan, Volvo Technology, Sweden
Topic:4.1 Components and Instruments
Session:Adaptive Integrated Driver-Vehicle Interface-AIDE
Keywords: driver assistance, information, nomad systems, HMI, Interaction and Communication Assistant


This paper presents the sub-project 3 of the AIDE (Adaptive Integrated Driver-vehicle Interface) IP; AIDE is a pan European project co-funded by the European Commission, coordinated by Volvo Technology and managed by a core group with the participation of both the industry and the academia. The main objective of the SP3 and the paper is the design and development of an innovative adaptive integrated human-machine interface for driver assistance, information and nomad systems. To address this objective different modules are described which monitor in real time the driver, the environment and the vehicle and to which the HMI is adapted. The information data flow, the communications and the interaction is ensured by a dedicated centralized module, namely the Interaction and Communication Assistant (ICA), which is considered as the main innovation and is described in details in the paper.