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Internet/Intranet oriented Analyzer in the Cement Industry

Authors:Zezulka Frantisek, Brno University of technology, Czech Republic
Ciganek Ales, AUTEC s.r.o., Czech Republic
Zavadil Milan, AUTEC s.r.o., Czech Republic
Hyncica Ondrej, Brno University of technology, Czech Republic
Topic:4.1 Components and Instruments
Session:Flexible Control Instrumentation
Keywords: industrial control, intelligent instrumentation, Ethernet, control equipment, decentralized systems


Production plants of cement, lime and other construction materials have to be equipped by laboratories that carry out analysis of production samples. The most efficient way of the closed loop automatic control of the production quality seems to be the application of smart distributed analysers equipped with embedded PCs. The paper deals with the development and application of an Internet oriented smart analyser of the specific surface determination of powder materials especially used in the cement and cognate industry. Authors discuss reasons, advantages and open issues of the solution and document its efficiency on the quality of produced materials.