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Upper bound H-infinity and H-2 control for symmetric mechanical systems

Authors:Hiramoto Kazuhiko, Akita University, Japan
Bai Yuanqiang, University of Houston, United States
Grigoriadis Karolos M., University of Houston, United States
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Advances in Hinf Control Theory and Applications
Keywords: Symmetric Systems, LMIs, Integrated Design of Structural and Control Systems


A static rate feedback problem for symmetric mechanical systems is considered in this paper. The feedback gain matrix is obtained by solving LMIs to minimise an upper bound on the closed-loop H-infinity or H-2 norm. If the coefficient matrices of the system's equations of motion are linear functions of structural design parameters the obtained result for the controller synthesis can be easily extended to solve an integrated design problem of structural and control systems without loss of the LMI structure with respect to the feedback gain matrix but also structural design parameters.