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A Congestion Control Algorithm for the Planetary Internet

Authors:Grieco Luigi, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Mascolo Saverio, Politecnico di Bari, Italy
Topic:3.3 Computers and Telematics
Session:Control Methods for Communication Networks
Keywords: Congestion control, TCP, time-delay systems, Planetary Internet


Classic TCP congestion control has been designedto operate over reliable links with limited range of bandwidthsand round trip times. As a consequence it does not performsatisfactorily over planetary links, which are characterizedby both packet error rates and extremely high propagationdelays. This paper proposes a new rate based congestioncontrol algorithm that significantly improves the utilizationof planetary links. Ns-2 simulation results have shown thatthe proposed algorithm provides significant goodput improvementswith respect to New Reno, Reno Sack, Reno Fack, Vegas,and Westwood+ TCP in the presence of RTTs larger than 1sand smaller than 2000s and packet loss probability rangingfrom 0.0001 to 0.01.