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Comparison of Iterative Set-Point Optimisation Strategies under Structural Plant-Model Mismatch

Authors:Gao Weihua, University of Dortmund, Germany
Engell Sebastian, University of Dortmund, Germany
Topic:2.1 Control Design
Session:Control Design II
Keywords: set-point optimisation, iterative optimisation, batch-to-batch control, plant-model mismatch, chromatography


This paper considers the set-point optimisation problem under plant-model mismatch. Three iterative optimisation strategies, the two-step method, the integrated system optimisation and parameter estimation (ISOPE) method and the gradient-modification optimisation method are compared for a nonlinear chromatographic separation process using different structurally mismatched models as nominal process models. The gradient-modification optimisation method is proven to be very attractive when a large structural plant-model mismatch exists. Its ability to deal with disturbances is also shown.