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Enriched Multi-Process Modelling

Authors:Chatha Kamran, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Weston Richard, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Topic:5.3 Enterprise Integration and Networking
Session:Integration of Business and Manufacturing Control Systems - Enterprise Engineering models, tools and standards
Keywords: Business Process Engineering, Enterprise Modelling, Simulation, and Organisation Design, Socio-Technical System


An (enriched) multi-process modelling approach is described that provides a capability to document and analyse various dependent aspects of multiple threads of activities carried out in ME processes. The approach deploys commercially available computer modelling tools to operationalise the method so as to facilitate (1) the design of dependent activity flows, (2) the resourcing of activity flows by suitable human and technical systems (3) the control and management of workflows and (4) exception handling. Key features of the modelling method are described, as are the stages of modelling and the associated use of proprietary modelling tools.