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Computation of closed, controllable, and weakly observable sublanguages for timed discrete event systems

Authors:Takai Shigemasa, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Japan
Ushio Toshimitsu, Osaka University, Japan
Topic:1.3 Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems
Session:Supervisory Control of Discrete Event Systems
Keywords: Timed discrete event system, Supervisory control, Controllability, Weak observability, Forcible event


Brandin and Wonham have developed a supervisory control frameworkfor timed discrete event systems (TDESs).Lin and Wonham have extended this framework to the partial observation case.In our previous work, we have defined a new class of supervisorsfor TDESs under partial observation.We have introduced a notion of weak observability of languages,and proved that Lm(G)-closure, controllability, and weak observabilityare necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of our nonblocking supervisor.These existence conditions of our supervisor are weaker thanthose of the Lin and Wonham's supervisor.In this paper, we study computation of a closed, controllable, and weakly observablesublanguage of a given closed regular language.We present an algorithm for computing such a sublanguagelarger than the supremal closed, controllable, and normal sublanguage.