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The Adaptability Challenge for Embedded Control System Software

Authors:Pasetti Alessandro, P&P Software, Switzerland
Cechticky Vaclav, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Schaufelberger Walter, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Topic:3.1 Computers for Control
Session:Adaptability Techniques for Control System Software
Keywords: software reuse, adaptation, control systems, object-oriented programming, components


Software-related costs account for a growing share of total development costs for embedded control systems. In the control field, containment of software costs can be done either through the use of model-based tools (e.g. Matlab) or through a higher level of reuse. This paper argues that the second strategy is advantageous in the case of industrial control systems targeting niche markets where systems tend to be one-of-a-kind and where they can be organized in “families” of related applications. The paper then argues that progress in raising the level of software reuse in these fields depends on the adoption of better software adaptability techniques. The most promising such techniques are reviewed from the standpoint of control engineers.