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Platform for Advanced Control Applications

Authors:Beran Jaroslav, Honeywell Laboratories Prague, Czech Republic
Horn Brian, Honeywell Process Solutions, United States
Findejs Jiri, Honeywell Laboratories Prague, Czech Republic
Havlena Vladimir, Honeywell Laboratories Prague, Czech Republic
Rozloznik Mikulas, Honeywell Laboratories Prague, Czech Republic
Topic:3.1 Computers for Control
Session:Adaptability Techniques for Control System Software
Keywords: Cascade control, Software components, Control applications, Data flow,Process control, Real-time.


Control applications have many requirements not provided by commercialoperating systems. This paper describes the characteristics and usage of an environmentfor hosting process-control applications, which is implemented on a commercialoperating system. It is called Unified Real Time (URT) platform, and is intended forapplications that are large or complex and that may involve dynamic configuration,flexible scheduling, complex organization, etc. This paper also demonstrates the structureof a typical Advanced Control Application (ACA) designed under URT.