15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002

Enter one or more keywords.
Searches are not case sensitive.
Use quotes to find an exact phrase, for example: "time-delay".
You can enter multiple keywords, such as time-delay control. Or you can enter a Boolean expression, using AND, OR and NOT.
Multiple keywords entered without a Boolean use the AND expression. Thus, entering time-delay control is the same as entering time-delay and control.
You can use an expression like time-delay or control to find pages containing either keyword.
You can also use parentheses in Boolean expressions. For example, you can enter(time-delay and control) or comparison.
You can use the asterisk (*) as a suffix wildcard character in keywords. For example, enter time* to find pages with keywords such as time or times or timing.
Use NEAR operator to find keywords that appear near to each other. For example, type time-delay near control to find documents with words time-delay and control appearing one near another.
Beside using NEAR operator, you can specify how close keywords could be. For example, use "time-delay w/5 control" (with quotes) to find documents where words time-delay and control appear within a frame of 5 words, or "w/7 time-delay control cookie" to find time-delay, control and cookie within a 7 word frame. Note that common words are not counted as part of word frame.
If no matches are found, reword your query and try again.