15th Triennial World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control
  Barcelona, 21–26 July 2002 
INTERNET-ENABLED TOTAL AUTOMATION - Integration of Distributed Tasks in Manufacturing Enterprises
D T Pham and Y Xu
Manufacturing Engineering Centre
Cardiff University, UK

Internet-based total automation is proposed as a solution for manufacturing enterprises, which face constant changes in their markets, customer demands and business practices. When major changes occur, such enterprises require re-engineering of their information systems. This involves handling large numbers of functional objects and regulating many enterprise activities over three application levels: the device level for production control, the plant level for production execution and the enterprise level for production planning. This paper suggests an Internet-enabled automation solution based upon a simple enterprise model developed by the authors. The model, solution architecture and methodology are presented together with case studies.
Keywords: automation, Manufacturing process, enterprise model, Internet

E-mail: xuy@cf.ac.uk
Session slot T-Tu-A21: Posters of Manufacturing and Instrumentation/Area code 1a : Advanced Manufacturing Technology