511f Directed Polymer - Nanoparticle Self Assembly to Manufacture Layered, Nanostructured Materials

Michael E. Mackay1, R. S. Krishnan1, Alicia Pastor1, Craig Hawker2, Michael S. Wong3, and Subashini Asokan4. (1) Michigan State University, Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, East Lansing, MI 48824, (2) University of California - Santa Barbara, Materials Research Laboratory, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, (3) Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005, (4) Department of Chemistry, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005

We report a new route to form nanostructured films where the layered self-assembly of the constituents is driven primarily by entropy through component architectural differences without the need for charge. We have manufactured up to sixteen layers of alternating polymer and quantum dot nanoparticle films, there is apparently no limit to the number of layers one can assemble, to create an assembly that is unique and, importantly, we have nanometer control on each layer's thickness. Here we report the physical phenomena, such as dielectric ordering, that dictate the ultimate structures.

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