Interfacial Phenomena

Session 221 - Biomolecules at Interfaces IV - from Bacterial Adhesion to the Influence of an Electrical Potential
Chair:Maria M. Santore
Cochairs:Clayton J. Radke
Marina Tsianou
 Protein Film Voltammetry: from New Excitation Waveforms to Novel Signal Processing Techniques
Costas A. Anastassiou, Kim H Parker, Danny O'Hare
 Single Molecule Force Measurements: New Insight into Biomolecules
Amit Dutta, Mirco Sorci, Victoria Derbyshire, Georges Belfort
 Colloidal Bridging Forces from Multiple Tethered Ligand-Receptor Bonds
Nathan W. Moore, Tonya L. Kuhl
 Bacterial Fouling Characteristics of the Surfaces of Poly (Ethylene Glycol), Dextran and Zwitterionic-Based Material
Gang Cheng, James D. Bryers, Shaoyi Jiang
 Modeling Protein Adsorption with Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
Shanna J. Smith, Stephen P. Beaudoin
 Impedance Biosensors through Direct Protein Immobilization Onto Au
Ian I. Suni, Jianbin Wang, Linda A. Luck
 Β-Amyloid Assemblage-Lipid Interactions
Martin Widenbrant, Jaykumar Rajadas, Gerald G. Fuller
 Continuous Polypeptide Adsorption under an Applied Electric Potential
A. Pascal Ngankam, Paul R. Van Tassel
 Dynamic Interactions of Live Group B Streptococci with Soluble and Adsorbed Fibronectin
Jared Shannon, Jim Hull, Glen Tamura, David G. Castner
 Insulin Fibrillation Kinetics at Interfaces
Arpan Nayak, Amit Dutta, Chuang-Chung Lee, Gregory J. McRae, Georges Belfort

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