Thermodynamics and Transport Properties

Session 79 - Invited: Thermodynamic Properties and Phase Behavior I: Honoring the Contributions of John M. Prausnitz
This invitation-only session will honor Professor John M. Prausnitz for his contributions to chemical engineering thermodynamics. Presentations will give new experimental and theoretical knowledge and procedures in the field, insights into how such research progresses, perspectives on the work's importance to the future of chemical engineering, and brief tributes.
Chair:Peter T. Cummings
CoChair:John P. O'Connell
 Solubility of Sour Gases in Aqueous Solutions of Amines
Gerd Maurer
 Practical and Rational Design of Bioseparation Processes Using Correlative Thermodynamic Models
Beckley K. Nfor, Tangir Ahamed, Marcel Ottens, Emile J. A. X. Van der Sandt, Michel Eppink, Gijs W. K. van Dedem, Luuk A. M. van der Wielen
 Phase-Equilibria in Polymer Systems – Experiments and Modelling
Gabriele Sadowski
 Surfactant Adsorption Thermodynamics at Fluid/Fluid Interfaces Studied with Diblock Copolymers
Clayton J. Radke
 Participation of Molecular Simulation in the Development of Molecular-Thermodynamic Models
Ying Hu, Honglai Liu
 Drug Design, Development and Delivery: Integrated, Interdisciplinary Education in Pharmaceutical Science
Mark R. Prausnitz, Andreas S. Bommarius

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