Transport and Energy Processes

Session 614 - Transport Phenomena in Fluid-Particle Systems
Fluid-particle flows pervade the chemical, energy, agricultural and pharmaceutical industries. In this session, we would like to receive experimental or modeling research contributions in the general topics of mass, momentum, energy or species transport in these two-phase systems. Applications pertaining to the energy industry are particularly encouraged but contributions involving other applications are also welcome.
Chair:Kimberly H. Henthorn
CoChair:Ray Cocco
CoSponsor(s):Fluidization and Fluid-Particle Systems
 Plasma Treatment of Diamond Nanoparticles for Dispersibility Improvement
Qingsong Yu, Young Jo Kim, Hongbin Ma
 Computational Particle-Fluid Dynamics Simulations of a Commercial-Scale Turbulent Fluidized Bed Reactor
Paul Zhao, Dale Snider, Ken Williams
 A Computational Framework for Studying Particle in-Flight Behavior in the Hvof Thermal Spray Process
Panagiotis D. Christofides, Mingheng Li
 Investigating Wide Shear Zones in Slow Granular Flow by Discrete Element Simulations
Jeremy B. Lechman, Gary S. Grest, Martin Depken, Martin Van Hecke
 Experimental Investigation and Cfd Modeling of Liquid-Solid Flow with Particle-Particle Collisions
Mark Pepple, Caner Yurteri, Jennifer S. Curtis
 Direct Simulations of Inertial Effects on Flexible Cylindrical Fiber in Flows
Dewei Qi

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