Nuclear Engineering Division

Session 181 - Developments in Thermochemical and Electrolytic Routes to Hydrogen Production: Part III
This symposium focuses on nontraditional methods for generating hydrogen that would reduce reliance on fossil fuels. A leading candidate is the use of heat from an advanced, high temperature nuclear reactor to dissociate water into hydrogen and oxygen. However, papers on any novel process for generating hydrogen, whether based on a nuclear energy source or otherwise, are encouraged. Typical processes include: - thermochemical cycles (e.g. Sulfur-Iodine) - hybrid cycles (e.g. Hybrid Sulfur) - electrolysis - photoelectrochemical methods - photobiological methods
Chair:Amy C. Taylor
CoChair:Maximilian B. Gorensek
 Evaluation of Alternate Thermochemical Cycles
Michele Lewis, Joseph Masin, Amy C. Taylor
 A New Methodology to Screen Water Splitting Cycles for Hydrogen Production
Miguel J. Bagajewicz, Scott Mullin, Jacob Tarver
 An Algorithm for Systematic Generation of Thermochemical Cycles for Water Splitting
Ilie Fishtik, Ravindra Datta
 Application of a Process Model-Free Analysis to Thermochemical Systems for Large-Scale Hydrogen Production
John P. O'Connell, P. Narkprasert, Maximilian B. Gorensek
 Reaction Kinetics of the High Temperature Zno Dissociation Step in a 2-Step Solar Thermochemical Water Splitting Process
Christopher Perkins, Paul Lichty, Alan W. Weimer
 Investigation of the Water Reduction with Zinc Powder Aerosol to Form Hydrogen Fuel
Hans Funke, Christopher Perkins, Alan W. Weimer

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