Topical A: Systems Biology

Session 34 - Multiscale Systems Biology
A fundamental goal of systems biology is to integrate different component parts of a biological system to understand the workings of the whole. Oftentimes the whole biological system will span either multiple time or spatial scales, if not both. The goal of this session is to discuss research that allows us to better understand such multiscale systems. Papers on both experimental and computational studies are welcome.
Chair:Christina Chan
CoChair:Stas Shvartsman
 A Multiscale Model for Cytoskeletal Mechanics
Mohammad R. K. Mofrad
 Multiscale Simulation of Breast Cancer Tumorigensis Using Single Cell Models and Kinetic Monte Carlo
Volkan Akcelik, Lie-Quan Lee, Satyaprakash Nayak, Kwok Ko, Jeffrey D. Varner
 Integration of Signal Transduction in Wound Invasion
Michael Monine, Jason Haugh
 Infectious Disease Engineering, Analysis and Simulation of Leishmania Major, a Pathogenic Trypanosomatid
Arvind K. Chavali, Jeffrey D. Whittemore, Jason A. Papin
 Integrated Modeling of Angiotensin II Induced Neuronal Plasticity in the Brain
Rajanikanth Vadigepalli, Dirk Fey, James S. Schwaber
 Signal Dynamics in Sonic Hedgehog Tissue Patterning
Krishanu Saha, David V. Schaffer
 Exploring Biosynthetic Control in Lipid Metabolism
Michael C. Jewett, Intawat Nookaew, Francisco A. Pizarro, Lars I. Hellgren, Eduardo Agosin, Jens Nielsen
 Systematically Bridging Transcriptional Regulation and Metabolic Phenotype
Joel Moxley, Michael C. Jewett, Gregory N. Stephanopoulos

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